
Our aim with writing a book is to comprehensively document everything we learned while building the @dwyl App and API in a single place.

This is the handbook we wish we had when we started our journey. Our goal is to have a book that anyone can use to learn exactly how we build/built every aspect of our App.

We have already written over 100 stand-alone tutorials for various technologies/tools/frameworks. See: dwyl?q=learn
The advantage of standalone/self-contained tutorials is that they are focussed on one thing. The disadvantage is that they lack clear progression. So people can be left asking: "What next?" 🤷‍♀️

By contrast the objective in the book is to have a very clear progression.

If you click the "Print" icon in the top-right of this screen: ↗️


You can save a PDF copy of the book and read it offline in your own time without any distractions. Or if you have good internet, you can follow along and build the App step-by-step.

One day, all software will be Open Source. This is our small contribution to that end.

If you agree with the idea that software should be Open to anyone, please let us know! 🙏 "Star" the repo on GitHub dwyl/book

With that out of the way, let's get started learning by doing! 🚀

Fields Guide

This chapter is a complete beginner's guide to building a fully-functional Web Application
in Phoenix using fields to appropriately store personal data.


Building secure web applications that respect people's privacy by considerately storing personal data is an essential skill.

Most beginner's guides gloss over the steps we are about to take together. If you care about your own privacy - and you should! - follow along and see how easy it is to do the right thing.

Why Build This Demo App First?

Simple: to showcase how straightforward it is to transparently validate, encrypt and decrypt sensitive personal data in an ultra-basic but fully-functional web app.

We will then use these techniques to build something more advanced.


The fields-demo App showcases a registration form for a (fictitious) conference called "Awesome Conf".


It covers all the steps necessary to build the form using the fields package to securely store personal data.


This guide is for anyone wanting a rigorous approach to building an App that collects/stores personal data.


Let's get started by setting up the Phoenix project!

New Phoenix Project Setup

These are the steps we took when creating the fields-demo Phoenix project. You can follow along at your own pace. And/or use them as the basis for your own App(s).

If you feel we have skipped a step or anything is unclear, please open an issue.

1. Create a New Phoenix App

Create a New Phoenix App:

mix fields_demo --no-mailer --no-dashboard --no-gettext

Note: The "flags" (e.g: --no-mailer) after the fields_demo app name are there to avoid adding bloat to our app. We don't need to send email, have a fancy dashboard or translation in this demo. All these advanced features are all covered in depth later.

2. Setup Coverage

So that we know which files are covered by tests, we setup coverage following the steps outlined in: /dwyl/phoenix-chat-example#13-what-is-not-tested

Note: This is the first thing we add to all new Elixir/Phoenix projects because it lets us see what is not being tested. 🙈 It's just a good engineering discipline/habit to get done; a hygiene factor like brushing your teeth. 🪥

With that setup we can now run:

mix c

We see output similar to the following:

Finished in 0.07 seconds (0.03s async, 0.04s sync)
5 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 679880
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
  0.0% lib/fields_demo.ex                              9        0        0
 75.0% lib/fields_demo/application.ex                 36        4        1
  0.0% lib/fields_demo/repo.ex                         5        0        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web.ex                        111        2        0
 15.9% lib/fields_demo_web/components/core_comp      661      151      127
  0.0% lib/fields_demo_web/components/layouts.e        5        0        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/controllers/error_ht       19        1        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/controllers/error_js       15        1        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/controllers/page_con        9        1        0
  0.0% lib/fields_demo_web/controllers/page_htm        5        0        0
  0.0% lib/fields_demo_web/endpoint.ex                47        0        0
 66.7% lib/fields_demo_web/router.ex                  27        3        1
 80.0% lib/fields_demo_web/telemetry.ex               92        5        1
100.0% test/support/conn_case.ex                      38        2        0
 28.6% test/support/data_case.ex                      58        7        5
[TOTAL]  23.7%

Not great. But most of the untested code is in: lib/fields_demo_web/components/core_components.ex which has 661 lines and we aren't going to use in this project ...

2.1 Ignore Unused "System" Files

Create a file with called coveralls.json and add the following contents:

  "coverage_options": {
    "minimum_coverage": 100
  "skip_files": [

Save the file. This sets 100% coverage as our minimum/baseline and ignores the files we aren't reaching with our tests.


mix c

And you should see the following output:

Finished in 0.05 seconds (0.01s async, 0.04s sync)
5 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 253715
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
100.0% lib/fields_demo.ex                              9        0        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo/repo.ex                         5        0        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web.ex                        111        2        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/components/layouts.e        5        0        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/controllers/error_ht       19        1        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/controllers/error_js       15        1        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/controllers/page_con        9        1        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/controllers/page_htm        5        0        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/endpoint.ex                47        0        0
100.0% lib/fields_demo_web/router.ex                  23        2        0
[TOTAL] 100.0%

Now we can move on!

3. Run the Phoenix App!

Before we start adding features, let's run the default Phoenix App. In your terminal, run:

mix setup
mix phx.server

Tip: we always create an alias for mix phx.server as mix s The alias will be used for the remainder of this guide.

With the Phoenix server running, visit localhost:4000 in your web browser, you should see something similar to the following:


That completes 2 minutes of "setup". Let's add a schema to store the data!

Create attendee schema

The goal is to allow people attending Awesome Conf - the attendees - to submit the following data:

  • first_name - how we greet you. Will appear on your conference pass.
  • last_name - your family name. Will appear on you conference pass.
  • email - to confirm attendance
  • phone_number - to verify your access when attending the secret event.
  • address_line_1 - so we can send the welcome pack and prizes
  • address_line_2 - if your address has multiple lines.
  • postcode - for the address.
  • gender - for venue capacity planning.
  • diet_pref - dietary preferences for meals and snacks provided at the conference.
  • website - share your awesomeness and have it as a QR code on your conference pass.
  • desc - brief description of your awesome project.
  • feedback - Feedback or suggestions


Using the mix command, run:

mix Accounts Attendee attendees first_name:binary last_name:binary email:binary phone_number:binary address_line_1:binary address_line_2:binary postcode:binary gender:binary diet_pref:binary website:binary desc:binary feedback:binary

You should expect to see output similar to the following:

* creating lib/fields_demo_web/live/attendee_live/show.ex
* creating lib/fields_demo_web/live/attendee_live/index.ex
* creating lib/fields_demo_web/live/attendee_live/form_component.ex
* creating lib/fields_demo_web/live/attendee_live/index.html.heex
* creating lib/fields_demo_web/live/attendee_live/show.html.heex
* creating test/fields_demo_web/live/attendee_live_test.exs
* creating lib/fields_demo/accounts/attendee.ex
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20230928032757_create_attendees.exs
* creating lib/fields_demo/accounts.ex
* injecting lib/fields_demo/accounts.ex
* creating test/fields_demo/accounts_test.exs
* injecting test/fields_demo/accounts_test.exs
* creating test/support/fixtures/accounts_fixtures.ex
* injecting test/support/fixtures/accounts_fixtures.ex

Add the live routes to your browser scope in lib/fields_demo_web/router.ex:

    live "/attendees", AttendeeLive.Index, :index
    live "/attendees/new", AttendeeLive.Index, :new
    live "/attendees/:id/edit", AttendeeLive.Index, :edit

    live "/attendees/:id", AttendeeLive.Show, :show
    live "/attendees/:id/show/edit", AttendeeLive.Show, :edit

Remember to update your repository by running migrations:

    $ mix ecto.migrate

Those are a lot of new files. 😬 Let's take a moment to go through them and understand what each file is doing.



We built a complete cohesive auth system because nothing we found met our requirements for simplicity, security and speed.


Read our reasoning and journey in the next few pages.

At the very least you can see if you agree (or not) with our approach.

As always, your feedback is very much welcome. 🙏

Why Custom Build Auth?

After a couple of decades of writing code and studying 30+ CMS/Frameworks & Enterprise Auth providers we concluded that all the Authentication/Authorization systems are still way too complex and required far too many steps.

Rather than lock ourselves into something complex and then be stuck with slow/no progress, we decided to build something from scratch that would allow us to move much faster in the long run.

We have documented all the steps taken in creating our auth system. The code is well tested and maintained so anyone can read how it all works.

The Best Way to Understand Something is to Build It!

We encourage anyone interested in understanding how things work behind the scenes to read through the auth chapters. We've attempted to include all the steps we took so that anyone can grok it.

However we know this is not the most exciting part of the application stack. If you prefer to skip the auth section entirely, you can just use it and treat it as a "service" that "Just WorksTM" and only refer to specific parts when needed.

Why Re-build Auth?

We learned a lot from building our first version of auth in Elixir. Our "Version 1" has been working in production for several years and thousands of people have used it successfully. The UI/UX for the "end-user" is fine; it's fast and already does what we need. We aren't going to change what the person using auth see very much in the next iteration. What is not fine is the maintainability and thus extensibility of the project. We recently saw this when we tried to add a new feature to auth, but we saw Ecto constraint errors.

What Are We Building?

We are building a complete authentication system that anyone can use to protect the personal data of the people using an App.

While we are starting from scratch with zero code, we aren't working in a vacuum or blinkered/blindfolded. We have build auth before in PHP, Python JavaScript/TypeScript and most recently Elixir and have used and studied several auth systems. This is an otaku for us; an obsession not just a side-project. If you feel that the UI/UX of authentication is one of the most important aspects of building any App, please read on.

Starting Point?

As noted above, we are starting from scratch so there is zero "baggage" or "legacy", but we are informed by our previous iterations of auth.

Let's start by picking holes in our previous design.

Note: the objective of analysing our own code/design is not "criticism", it's reflection, learning and continuous improvement.

Old Databse Entity Relational Diagram (ERD)

This is the ERD of the old version of auth:


If this diagram looks "complicated" to you right now, don't worry, we agree! We're only sharing it here as a reference. It is not the "goal" to recreate this. Rather, our objective is to simplify it and remove any tables that we don't need. For example: we will remove the tags, status, roles tables from the database and instead define these exclusively in code. The reasoning is simple: this data does not change very often. So having it in Postgres and forcing a join for every query that requires the data is immensely resource-wasteful.

Yes, the database purists would say: "all data should be in the database". And "old us" would agree with that dogma. But what we've discovered in practice, is that we can define metadata in code and significantly improve both reasoning about the entity relationships and query performance.

Database Schema Review

If you prefer to start with a blank slate, feel free to skip this page.

Final snapshot of diagram:


Without much knowledge of database schemas, if you just pay close attention, you'll see that that the person_id relationship (foreign key) is not correctly defined on 3 tables: apikeys, apps and roles.


This has caused me/us no end of pain while trying to add new features ... auth/pull/231

So, in addition to dramatically simplifying the database schema, I will make sure that all the Ecto relationships are well-defined so that we don't run into annoying constraint errors in the future.

If we start by deleting the tables that we don't need, we immediately simplify the ERD:


If we manually edit the diagram to include the person_id links (foreign keys):


It becomes clearer what data "belongs" to a person. But we can immediately spot something that incomplete/incorrect: who does a group "belong" to? 🤷‍♂️

Obviously it's "unfair" to pick holes in a feature that is incomplete. But it's "broken" and we (I) need to learn from it. 💭

How To Build Auth From First Principals

For the past 2 iterations, we have use the Phoenix Web Application framework to build our Auth system. The reasons for this choice are outlined in: dwyl/technology-stack#phoenix so won't be repeat it here. Phoenix is a "batteries included" framework that includes many features out-of-the-box.

Our Auth system is a standalone Phoenix instance that has its' own separate database. This is a very deliberate choice. We want to enforce a complete separation of concerns between Auth and the App that uses Auth.

@TODO: insert diagram illustrating relationship between Auth and App.

Beyond the security benefits of separating Auth the practical rationale is simple: the code for building an Auth system is ~3kloc see: If we include all the Auth code in our main App it adds to the complexity of the App and thus increase the time it takes someone to grok. The longer it takes people to understand the App code the less likely they are to contribute to the App.

Note: we are not suggesting that people should not also try to understand what Auth is doing. On the contrary we want as many people as possible to understand all aspects of our stack. However we acknowledge that Auth and "People Management" is not the most interesting part of the stack. It's akin to the "plumbing" in your home. Absolutely necessary and needs to function flawlessly. But not something you actively think about unless there's something that isn't working as expected ...


Before you start building auth, ensure that you have the following on your computer:

Latest Elixir

In your terminal, run the following command:

elixir -v

You should see output similar to the following:

Erlang/OTP 25 [erts-13.1.4] [64-bit] [smp:10:10] [async-threads:1] [jit] [dtrace]

Elixir 1.14.3 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)

This is the latest and greatest version of Elixir and OTP at the time of writing.

Note: if you have a later version, please consider creating a Pull Request to update this section of the book.

Latest Phoenix

Visit: to remind yourself of what the most recent version of Phoenix is. I our case, v1.7.0, so that's what we are using.

Confirm that you have the latest version of Phoenix by running the command:

mix -v

You should see something similar to:

Phoenix installer v1.7.0

Note: if the version of Phoenix you are using is more recent than this, please help us to update our docs:

If you don't already have the latest version of Phoenix, run the command:

mix archive.install hex phx_new

PostgreSQL Server

Confirm PostgreSQL is running (so data can be stored) run the following command:

lsof -i :5432

You should see output similar to the following:

postgres 529 Nelson  5u  IPv6 0xbc5d729e529f062b      0t0  TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)
postgres 529 Nelson  6u  IPv4 0xbc5d729e55a89a13      0t0  TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)

This tells us that PostgreSQL is "listening" on TCP Port 5432 (the default port)

If the lsof command does not yield any result in your terminal, run:


It should print the following:

/tmp:5432 - accepting connections

With all those "pre-flight checks" performed, let's fly! 🚀

Create The New Auth Phoenix Project

In an empty working directory, using the mix generator, create a new Phoenix project called "auth":

mix auth

That will create a bunch of files. Most of them are "boilerplate" code for configuring the Phoenix project and a load of components. We will use some of them and delete the rest.

Run the Phoenix App

Once the dependencies are installed, run the following command in your terminal:

mix setup

Once everything is setup, run the Phoenix app with the command:

mix phx.server

Open your web browser to: http://localhost:4000

You should see something similar to the following:


Run the Tests

Just to confirm everything is working, run the tests with the following command:

mix test

You should see output similar to the following:

Compiling 4 files (.ex)
Generated auth app
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.05s async, 0.05s sync)
5 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 50114

With that out of the way, let's build!

Generate Auth Files

In auth v1 the mix phx.gen.auth generator didn't exist so we had to hand-write all the code. For auth v2
we are using the phx.gen.auth "generator" to provide some of the scaffolding and session management. see:

In your terminal, run th following command:

mix phx.gen.auth Accounts Person people

The generator prompts with the following question:

An authentication system can be created in two different ways:
- Using Phoenix.LiveView (default)
- Using Phoenix.Controller only
Do you want to create a LiveView based authentication system? [Yn]

We answered N (No) because we will be adding more advanced auth

* creating priv/repo/migrations/20230226095715_create_people_auth_tables.exs
* creating lib/auth/accounts/person_notifier.ex
* creating lib/auth/accounts/person.ex
* creating lib/auth/accounts/person_token.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/person_auth.ex
* creating test/auth_web/person_auth_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller.ex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_html/new.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_html/edit.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_controller.ex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_html/new.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller.ex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_controller.ex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_html/edit.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_html/new.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_session_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_session_html/new.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_settings_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_settings_controller.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_settings_html/edit.html.heex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_settings_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth/accounts.ex
* injecting lib/auth/accounts.ex
* creating test/auth/accounts_test.exs
* injecting test/auth/accounts_test.exs
* creating test/support/fixtures/accounts_fixtures.ex
* injecting test/support/fixtures/accounts_fixtures.ex
* injecting test/support/conn_case.ex
* injecting config/test.exs
* injecting mix.exs
* injecting lib/auth_web/router.ex
* injecting lib/auth_web/router.ex - imports
* injecting lib/auth_web/router.ex - plug
* injecting lib/auth_web/components/layouts/root.html.heex

Please re-fetch your dependencies with the following command:

    $ mix deps.get

Remember to update your repository by running migrations:

    $ mix ecto.migrate

Once you are ready, visit "/people/register"
to create your account and then access "/dev/mailbox" to
see the account confirmation email.

That's a lot of code. See the git commit: 90086a8. We will use the session management in our auth system and delete some of the unused code along the way.

Migrate the Schema

When you run:

mix ecto.migrate

You will see the following output:

Generated auth app

15:04:11.168 [info] == Running 20230226095715 Auth.Repo.Migrations.CreatePeopleAuthTables.change/0 forward

15:04:11.173 [info] execute "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext"

15:04:11.285 [info] create table people

15:04:11.296 [info] create index people_email_index

15:04:11.297 [info] create table people_tokens

15:04:11.302 [info] create index people_tokens_person_id_index

15:04:11.307 [info] create index people_tokens_context_token_index

15:04:11.310 [info] == Migrated 20230226095715 in 0.1s


Let's take a quick look at the created database tables.

If you open the auth_dev database in your Postgres GUI, e.g: DBEaver
and view the ERD there are only two tables:


Data in people and people_tokens tables

By default, mix phx.gen.auth does not setup any protection for personal data in the database. Email addresses are stored in-the-clear: 🙄


Similarly the people_tokens table stores email addresses as plaintext in the sent_to column:


This is obviously undesirable. 🙃 This is a privacy/security issue waiting to become a scandal! We will address this swiftly in the following pages.

But first, tests!

Run The Tests

Sadly, the phx.gen.auth there to be a bunch of routes hard-coded with the "/user" prefix in the tests e.g: test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs#L15

The generator doesn't respect the fact that we call them people when we invoked the command above. so if you run the tests:

mix test

You will see several warnings:

.warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/log_out"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs:40: AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest."test POST /people/register creates account and logs the person in"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/log_out"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs:40: AuthWeb.PersonSessionControllerTest."test POST /people/log_in logs the person in"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/settings"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs:39: AuthWeb.PersonSessionControllerTest."test POST /people/log_in logs the person in"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/settings"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs:39: AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest."test POST /people/register creates account and logs the person in"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/register"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs:15: AuthWeb.PersonSessionControllerTest."test GET /people/log_in renders log in page"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/register"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs:12: AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest."test GET /people/register renders registration page"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/log_in"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs:11: AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest."test GET /people/register renders registration page"/1

And ultimately the tests fail:

Finished in 0.6 seconds (0.4s async, 0.2s sync)
115 tests, 5 failures

This should be a easy to fix.

Perform a find-and-replace for "/users/" to "/people/"


Attempt to re-run the tests:

mix test

Sadly, 4 tests still fail:

  1) test POST /people/register creates account and logs the person in (AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest)
     Assertion with =~ failed
     code:  assert response =~ email
     left:  "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\" style=\"scrollbar-gutter: stable;\">\n  <head>\n etc.


Finished in 0.5 seconds (0.4s async, 0.1s sync)
115 tests, 4 failures

We're going to have to investigate/update these tests manually.

Notes on Naming Conventions

The words we use matter. To some people they matter more than the message we are trying to convey. For some, if you speak or write a word that offends them (or anyone else), what you have to say is no longer relevant.

There are many words we avoid using in polite company such as profanity and others we attempt to eliminate completely such as pejorative terms or ethnic slurs.

User -> Person

The word "user" is pervasive in computing:

"A user is a person who utilizes a computer or network service." ~


Right there in the definition they clarify that a "user" is a "person" ... so why not just call them a person?

The fact that the term "user" is widely used doesn't make it right; it's just the default word many people have become accustomed to.

Mega tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google and Facebook regularly use the word "user" or "users" to describe the people that use their products and services.


Consider the word personalization. "Personalization consists of tailoring a service or a product to accommodate specific individuals, sometimes tied to groups or segments of individuals." ~

The word isn't "userization", because the interface for the "user" is always the same; generic. Whereas the interface that is personalized to an individual person is just for them.

We will be doing a lot of personalization in our App and building tools that allow people to personalize their own experience.

Complete Clarity

We avoid using the word "user" in the auth system and our App because we consider it reductive and distances the people creating the code from the people using the product.

Instead we refer to people using the App as people because it helps us to think of them as real people.

We cannot force anyone else to stop using the word "user". It will still be the default for many companies. Especially the company who treat their "users" as the product.

The Product Facebook Sells is You


"You may think Facebook is the product and you’re the client, but that’s not entirely true. There’s a reason tech companies call us users and not customers. It’s because we’re just people who come and use the interface. The product Facebook sells is you. The advertisers are the customers. That goes for all tech companies that make most of their money from ads." ~ Ben Wolford


Facebook will continue referring to people as "users" and more specifically "DAUs" (Daily Active Users) and "MAUs" (Monthly Active Users). They don't want to think about the people whose lives they are wasting and in many cases destroying.

We want to do the exact opposite of Facebook with our App; we want to help people save time! So we are using the word "people" and avoiding "users" wherever we can.

Not Just Facebook

Facebook is just the most obvious and egregious example. All the top tech companies harvest your personal data and sell it to advertisers. Apple, Amazon, Disney, Google, Microsoft, NetFlix, Twitter, Uber are all in the advertising business whether you realize it or not. They are all "attention merchants".

"Simply put, the U-words have their origin in a more sanguine, naïve era. As terms, I find them unethical and outdated, and so I have doubts they can usher in the kind of improvements to technology we desperately need." ~ Adam Lefton


Note: Apple** while a proponent of carefully selecting words, often refer to the people that buy and use their products and services as "users". This is a legacy of their age as a company - they have been around since 1976 - and their scale; they have more than 2 billion active devices. At that scale it's about numbers and "users" not individual people. There are many great people at Apple who understand that words matter. If the company was started today perhaps they would think twice about the "users" word. But sadly, even Apple are now in the advertising business: So they aren't likely to update the word they use to describe us.

Modals Are An Experience Antipattern

"An antipattern is just like a pattern, except that instead of a solution it gives something that looks superficially like a solution, but isn't one." ~ Linda Rising - The Patterns Handbook

9 times out of 10 when designers/egineers employ a modal in an App. they are doing so inappropriately and inadvertently making the experience/interface worse for the person.

If you are unfamiliar with them, a good place to learn is:


A modal overlays information on top of what is already displayed on the page. It hijacks the person's focus to what the dev wants them to see and requires the person to manually dismiss it before being allowed to resume what they were doing. This is an unwelcome interruption to the flow and a generally horrible experience.

Modals are a relic of the old web where ads hijacked people's screens with pop-ups:



The situation got completely out-of-hand and made browsing the web a horrible experience. All modern browsers block pop-ups by default now but designers/devs who don't respect the people using their site/app still reach for modals for hijacking attention.


Modals are almost never a good way of displaying information.

Modals in Phoenix?

Phoenix 1.7 added the new modal component.

We really wish the creators of Phoenix had not done it because it will inevitably be misused. Naive devs who mean well but haven't studied UX, will use a modal when a basic <div> would be considerably better.

It is used by default for inserting new content:


This is a horrible experience. The New Item modal overlays the Listing Items page instead of just showing a New Item page. This adds absolutely no value to the person inputing the item; it's just a distraction. This shows that the devs building Phoenix have not done very much UX/Usability testing because this would immediately confuse an older less tech-savvy person. They would ask is this page "Listing Items" or is it allowing me to create a "New Item"? And if they accidentally clicked/tapped on the "X" they would lose the text they inputted. Horrible.

Quick Example

After executing the mix phx.gen.auth command and then running the project with:

mix phx.server

The following 2 links are added to the header of home page: phoenix-homepage-with-register-login-links

The code that creates these links is: /lib/auth_web/components/layouts/root.html.heex#L15-L55

Clicking on the register link we navigate to: http://localhost:4000/people/register image

Here we can enter an Email and Password to and click on the Create an account button: phoenix-auth-register-account

This redirects us back to the homepage http://localhost:4000/ and we see the following modal: phoenix-auth-register-success-modal

The person viewing this screen has to manually dismiss the modal in order to see the content that is relevant to them:


Inspecting the DOM of the page in our browser: image

We see that the <div id="flash" has the following HTML:

<div id="flash" phx-mounted="[[&quot;show&quot;,{&quot;display&quot;:null,&quot;time&quot;:200,&quot;to&quot;:&quot;#flash&quot;,&quot;transition&quot;:[[&quot;transition-all&quot;,&quot;transform&quot;,&quot;ease-out&quot;,&quot;duration-300&quot;],[&quot;opacity-0&quot;,&quot;translate-y-4&quot;,&quot;sm:translate-y-0&quot;,&quot;sm:scale-95&quot;],[&quot;opacity-100&quot;,&quot;translate-y-0&quot;,&quot;sm:scale-100&quot;]]}]]" phx-click="[[&quot;push&quot;,{&quot;event&quot;:&quot;lv:clear-flash&quot;,&quot;value&quot;:{&quot;key&quot;:&quot;info&quot;}}],[&quot;hide&quot;,{&quot;time&quot;:200,&quot;to&quot;:&quot;#flash&quot;,&quot;transition&quot;:[[&quot;transition-all&quot;,&quot;transform&quot;,&quot;ease-in&quot;,&quot;duration-200&quot;],[&quot;opacity-100&quot;,&quot;translate-y-0&quot;,&quot;sm:scale-100&quot;],[&quot;opacity-0&quot;,&quot;translate-y-4&quot;,&quot;sm:translate-y-0&quot;,&quot;sm:scale-95&quot;]]}]]" role="alert" class="fixed hidden top-2 right-2 w-80 sm:w-96 z-50 rounded-lg p-3 shadow-md shadow-zinc-900/5 ring-1 bg-emerald-50 text-emerald-800 ring-emerald-500 fill-cyan-900" style="display: block;">
  <p class="flex items-center gap-1.5 text-[0.8125rem] font-semibold leading-6">
    <svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" class="h-4 w-4" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
        <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M18 10a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0zm-7-4a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0zM9 9a.75.75 0 000 1.5h.253a.25.25 0 01.244.304l-.459 2.066A1.75 1.75 0 0010.747 15H11a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-.253a.25.25 0 01-.244-.304l.459-2.066A1.75 1.75 0 009.253 9H9z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>
  <p class="mt-2 text-[0.8125rem] leading-5">Person created successfully.</p>
  <button type="button" class="group absolute top-2 right-1 p-2" aria-label="close">
    <svg xmlns="" aria-hidden="true" class="h-5 w-5 stroke-current opacity-40 group-hover:opacity-70" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
        <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M5.47 5.47a.75.75 0 011.06 0L12 10.94l5.47-5.47a.75.75 0 111.06 1.06L13.06 12l5.47 5.47a.75.75 0 11-1.06 1.06L12 13.06l-5.47 5.47a.75.75 0 01-1.06-1.06L10.94 12 5.47 6.53a.75.75 0 010-1.06z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path>

This is a lot of code just to inform the person that the successfully registered.

We know there's a much better way. We will be demonstrating it in the next few pages.

For now, we're just going to remove the line:

<.flash_group flash={@flash} />

From the file: /lib/auth_web/components/layouts/app.html.heex#L40

To remove all flash modals.

And just like magic, the tests that were failing previously, because the modal (noise) was covering the email address, now pass:

mix test 

Compiling 2 files (.ex)
The database for Auth.Repo has already been created

19:08:47.892 [info] Migrations already up
Finished in 0.5 seconds (0.3s async, 0.1s sync)
115 tests, 0 failures

With all tests passing, we can finally get on with building Auth!

Encrypt Personal Data

As previously noted the schema created by the phx.gen.auth generator leaves email addresses stored as plaintext:


It's disappointing to us that this is the default and many devs will naively think this is "OK".

It's Never "OK" to Store Personal Data as plaintext

It might be tempting to store personal data as human-readable text during development to make it easier to debug, but we urge everyone to resist this temptation! Data breaches happen every day. Breaches can destroy the reputation of a company. Thankfully, the EU now has stronger laws in the form of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which carry heavy fines for companies that improperly store personal data.

Most software engineers don't consider the law(s) around data protection but none of us have any excuse to ignore them even in basic projects. The good news is: protecting personal data is quite straightforward.

Why Encrypt Now?

We know this might feel like a deeply technical step to have so early on in the creation of the auth App. Why don't we just skip this and focus on the interface people will see? We feel that getting the data privacy/security right from the start is essential for building a robust and therefore trustworthy app. We will get to the interface design in the next chapter so if you prefer that part, feel free to speed-read/run this and only return to it when you need a deeper understanding.

How To Encrypt Sensitive Data?

When we first started using Elixir in 2016 we explored the topic of encrypting personal data in depth and wrote a comprehensive guide: dwyl/phoenix-ecto-encryption-example We highly recommend following step-by-step guide to understand this in detail. We aren't going to duplicate/repeat any of the theory here. Rather we are going to focus on the practice using the fields package we created to implement transparent encryption.

Using Fields to Automatically Encrypt Personal Data

Following the instructions in the fields repo, open the mix.exs file and locate the defp deps do section and add fields to the list:

{:fields, "~> 2.10.3"},

Save the mix.exs file and run:

mix deps.get

Create Environment Variables

fields expects an `environment variable

e.g. using the phx.gen.secret command:

mix phx.gen.secret

You should see output similar to:


Export this key in your terminal with the following command:

export ENCRYPTION_KEYS=XGYVueuky4DT0s0ks2MPzHpucyl+9e/uY4UusEfgyR2qeNApzoYGSH+Y55cfDj1Y

Run the phx.gen.secret command again and export it as SECRET_KEY_BASE, e.g:

export SECRET_KEY_BASE=GLH2S6EU0eZt+GSEmb5wEtonWO847hsQ9fck0APr4VgXEdp9EKfni2WO61z0DMOF

We use an .env file on localhost:

export ENCRYPTION_KEYS=XGYVueuky4DT0s0ks2MPzHpucyl+9e/uY4UusEfgyR2qeNApzoYGSH+Y55cfDj1Y
export SECRET_KEY_BASE=GLH2S6EU0eZt+GSEmb5wEtonWO847hsQ9fck0APr4VgXEdp9EKfni2WO61z0DMOF

See: .env_sample for a sample including all the recommended/required environment variables for running the auth app.

Now to the interesting part!

Update Data Type

The phx.gen.auth generator created the people schema with the :email field defined as a :string:

field :email, :string

See: lib/auth/accounts/person.ex#L6

Create Migration File

Using Ecto.Migration run the following command to create a migration file with a descriptive name:

mix ecto.gen.migration modify_people_email_string_binary

You should see output similar to:

* creating priv/repo/migrations/20230309145958_modify_people_email_string_binary.exs

Open the file in your editor. You should see:

defmodule Auth.Repo.Migrations.ModifyPeopleEmailStringBinary do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do


Update it to include the alter statement:

defmodule Auth.Repo.Migrations.ModifyPeopleEmailStringBinary do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    alter table(:people) do
      remove :email
      add :email, :binary
      add ...

    alter table(:people_tokens) do
      remove :sent_to
      add :sent_to, :binary

Note: we tried using Ecto.Migration.modify/3 to modify the field type but got the error:

15:06:13.691 [info] alter table people
** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42804 (datatype_mismatch) column "email" cannot be cast automatically to type bytea

    hint: You might need to specify "USING email::bytea".

Given that this is a new project and there is no data in the DB, we decided it was easier to remove and re-add the email column/field.

Save the migration file and run:

mix ecto.reset

You should see output similar to the following:

15:13:29.989 [info] == Migrated 20230226095715 in 0.0s

15:13:30.057 [info] == Running 20230309145958 Auth.Repo.Migrations.ModifyPeopleEmailStringBinary.change/0 forward

15:13:30.058 [info] alter table people

15:13:30.059 [info] alter table people_tokens

15:13:30.059 [info] == Migrated 20230309145958 in 0.0s

### Update

Open lib/auth/accounts/person.ex and replace the line:

field :email, :string


field :email, Fields.EmailEncrypted
field :email_hash, Fields.EmailHash

Sadly, this essential privacy/security enhancement was not quite as straightforward as we had hoped and had quite a few ramifications. The boilerplate code generated by phx.gen.auth was relying on being plaintext so we ended up having to make several changes.

Rather than repeating all of these here which will take up a lot of space and duplicate the code unessessarily, we recommend you read through the git commit: #2bbba99

In a follow-up section we will be removing most of this code because we don't want to use links in emails to verify people. Instead we will be using one-time-numeric codes.

Following the changes made in: #2bbba99

If we now run a query to view the data in the people table:

SELECT id, email, inserted_at FROM people;

We see that the email is now a binary blob, i.e: encrypted:


This cannot be read by anyone who does not have the encryption key. So if the database is somehow compromised, it's useless to the attacker.

Registration and Login still works as expected:


But now the personal data captured in registration is stored encrypted at rest the way it should be. 🔐

Now we can get on with building auth!

How to Build an Metrics Dashboard

mix atm --no-mailer

We won't send email from this app. But we want everything else Phoenix has to offer. 🚀

Parse and Store Browser User Agent String

The first data we want to parse and store is the Web Browser User Agent so that we know what devices and browsers are visiting.

There is a lot of info about User Agents on MDN: recommended reading for the curious.

For our purposes we only need to extract the user_agent data that interest us and thankfully, @mneudert has created a handy library we can use: ua_inspector

ua_inspector Usage Example

From the ua_inspector docs we get the following sample code/output:

iex> UAInspector.parse("Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11B554a Safari/9537.53")
  client: %UAInspector.Result.Client{
    engine: "WebKit",
    engine_version: "537.51.1",
    name: "Mobile Safari",
    type: "browser",
    version: "7.0"
  device: %UAInspector.Result.Device{
    brand: "Apple",
    model: "iPad",
    type: "tablet"
  os: %UAInspector.Result.OS{
    name: "iOS",
    platform: :unknown,
    version: "7.0.4"
  user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11B554a Safari/9537.53"

Additionally there is following sample output for a non-browser agent (Google Bot):

iex> UAInspector.parse("Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; Googlebot/2.1; + Safari/537.36")
  category: "Search bot",
  name: "Googlebot",
  producer: %UAInspector.Result.BotProducer{
    name: "Google Inc.",
    url: ""
  url: "",
  user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; Googlebot/2.1; + Safari/537.36"

From this sample output we can extract the following fields:

  • engine: String e.g: "WebKit"
  • engine_version: String e.g: "537.51.1" - sadly we can't store this as float unless we lose the last digit ...
  • name: String e.g: "Mobile Safari"
  • version: Float e.g: "7.0" - we will parse this float so that we can run queries on it.
  • brand: String e.g: "Apple"
  • model: String e.g: "iPad"
  • device_type: String e.g: "tablet"
  • os_name: String e.g: "iOS"
  • platform: String e.g: "unknown" - Atom.to_string(:unknown)
  • os_version: String e.g: "7.0.4"
  • url: String e.g: "" - used by non-human agents; blank if null.
  • user_agent: String, the full agent string. Even though ua_inspector does a good job of parsing the user_agent, we are storing the full user_agent string so that we can sense-check the parsed data when needed.

Fields we will ignore:

  • type: String e.g: "browser" - we will skip this field as it's implied.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

All Apps start with an MVP. In our case we created a separate repository: so that the most basic version of our App could be used as a reference by other people building MVPs.


Lift the contents of and split it into separate files here in book. See: dwyl/mvp/issues/350

Use cid for universally unique ids

By default all the tables in a Phoenix Application use an auto-incrementing integer (Serial) for the id (Primary Key). e.g the items table:


This is fine for a server-side rendered app with a single relational database instance. i.e. the server/database controls the id of records. But our ambition has always been to build a mobile + offline-first distributed App.

Luckily our friends at Protocol Labs creators of IPFS have done some great groundwork on "Decentralized Apps" so we can build on that. We created an Elixir package that creates IPFS compliant Content Identifiers: cid

The basic usage is:

item = %{text: "Build PARA System App", person_id: 2, status: 2}

This cid string is unique to this content therefore creating it on the client (Mobile device) will generate the same cid if the record is created offline.

We can easily confirm the validity of this cid by inputting it into CID Inspector: e.g:


Add excid package to deps

Add the excid package to the deps in mix.exs:

# Universally Unique Deterministic Content IDs:
{:excid, "~> 1.0.1"},


mix deps.get

Then in config/config.exs add the following configuration line:

config :excid, base: :base58

We want to use base58 because it uses 17% fewer characters to represent the same ID when compared to base32.

|> String.length()


|> String.length()

Create migration

Using the mix ecto.gen.migration command, create a migration file:

mix ecto.gen.migration add_cid

You should see output similar to the following:

* creating priv/repo/migrations/20230824153220_add_cid.exs

This tells us that the migration file was created: priv/repo/migrations/20230824153220_add_cid_to_item.exs Open the file, you should see a blank migration:

defmodule App.Repo.Migrations.AddCidToItem do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do


Update it to:

defmodule App.Repo.Migrations.AddCidToItem do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    alter table(:items) do
      add(:cid, :string)

Note: if you're rusty on migrations, see:

Add cid field to item schema

Open the lib/app/item.ex file and locate the schema items do section. Add the line:

field :cid, :string

Create put_cid/1 test

Create a new file with the path: test/app/cid_test.exs and add the following test:

defmodule App.CidTest do
  use App.DataCase, async: true

  @valid_attrs %{text: "Buy Bananas", person_id: 1, status: 2}

  test "put_cid/1 adds a `cid` for the `item` record" do
    # Create a changeset with a valid item record as the "changes":
    changeset_before = %{changes: @valid_attrs}
    # Should not yet have a cid:
    refute Map.has_key?(changeset_before.changes, :cid)

    # Confirm cid was added to the changes:
    changeset_with_cid = App.Cid.put_cid(changeset_before)
    assert changeset_with_cid.changes.cid == Cid.cid(@valid_attrs)

    # confirm idempotent:
    assert App.Cid.put_cid(changeset_with_cid) == changeset_with_cid

Running this test will fail:

mix test test/app/cid_test.exs


** (UndefinedFunctionError) function App.Cid.put_cid/1 is undefined or private.

Let's implement it!

Create put_cid/1 function

Create a new file with the path: lib/app/cid.ex. Add the following function definition to the file:

defmodule App.Cid do
  def put_cid(changeset) do
    if Map.has_key?(changeset.changes, :cid) do
      cid = Cid.cid(changeset.changes)
      %{changeset | changes: Map.put(changeset.changes, :cid, cid)}

The function just adds a cid to the changeset.changes so that it creates a hash of the contents of the changeset and then adds the cid to identify that content. If the changes already have a cid don't do anything. This covers the case where an item is created in the Mobile client with a cid. We will add verification for this later.

Invoke put_cid/1 in Item.changeset/2

In the lib/app/item.ex file, locate the changeset/2 function definition and change the lines:

|> cast(attrs, [:person_id, :status, :text])
|> validate_required([:text, :person_id])


|> cast(attrs, [:cid, :person_id, :status, :text])
|> validate_required([:text, :person_id])
|> App.Cid.put_cid()

The call to put_cid/1 within changeset/2 adds the cid to the item record.

Checkpoint: item table with cid

After running the migration:

mix ecto.migrate

The item table has the cid column:


Even though the cid field was added to the table, it is empty for all existing item records. Easily resolved.

Update all item records

Add the following function to lib/app/item.ex:

  def update_all_items_cid do
    items = list_items()
    Enum.each(items, fn i ->
      item = %{
        person_id: i.person_id,
        status: i.status,
        text: i.text,
      |> changeset(Map.put(item, :cid, Cid.cid(item)))
      |> Repo.update()

Invoke it in the priv/repo/seeds.exs so that all items are given a cid.


With that working we can get back to using this in our next feature; lists!


Our MVP App already has much of the basic functionality we need/want but is sorely lacking a way to organize items into distinct projects/areas. Let's fix that by introducing lists!

Quick Recap

Up till this point we've deliberately kept the MVP as lean as possible to avoid complexity.
The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is currently:


Just the four tables you've already seen in the previous sections.

Our reasons for adding lists now are:

a) Separate lists for different areas of life/work have been on our product roadmap for a while ...
specifically: dwyl/app#271

b) We want to use lists as the basis for organizing and re-ordering items.

c) lists will unlock other functionality we have planned that will make the App more useful both to individuals and teams.

Create lists Schema

Create the lists table with the following mix phx.gen.schema command:

mix phx.gen.schema List list cid:string name:string person_id:integer seq:string sort:integer status:integer

This command will create the following migration:


defmodule App.Repo.Migrations.CreateLists do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:lists) do
      add :cid, :string
      add :name, :string
      add :person_id, :integer
      add :seq, :string
      add :sort, :integer
      add :status, :integer


Once we run mix ecto.migrate, we have the following database ERD:


This new database table lets us create a list but there is still more work to be done to enable the features we want.

Quick Look at /lib/app/list.ex file

The mix phx.gen.schema command created the lib/app/list.ex file with the following:

defmodule App.List do
  use Ecto.Schema
  import Ecto.Changeset

  schema "lists" do
    field :cid, :string
    field :name, :string
    field :person_id, :integer
    field :seq, :string
    filed :sort, :integer
    field :status, :integer


  @doc false
  def changeset(list, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:cid, :name, :person_id, :seq, :sort, :status])
    |> validate_required([:name, :person_id])
    |> App.Cid.put_cid()

The schema matches the migration above. Just the 5 fields we need for creating lists:

  1. cid - the universally unique id for the list.
  2. name - the name of the list. a :string of arbitrary length.
  3. person_id - the id of the person who created the list
  4. seq - the sequence of item.cid for the list
  5. sort - the sort order for the list e.g. 1: Ascending
  6. status - the status (represented as an Integer) for the list. see: dwyl/statuses

The only function in the list.ex file is changeset/2 which just checks the fields in teh attrs Map and validates the data that are required to create a list.

Create list_test.exs Tests File (TDD)

The gen.schema command only creates the migration file and the corresponding schema file in the lib/app directory of our Phoenix App. It does not create any CRUD functions or tests. This is fine because most of what we need is bespoke.

Manually create the test file with the following path: test/app/list_test.exs.

In the test file test/app/list_test.exs add the following test code:

defmodule App.ListTest do
  use App.DataCase, async: true
  alias App.{List}

  describe "list" do
    @valid_attrs %{name: "My List", person_id: 1, status: 2}
    @update_attrs %{name: "some updated text", person_id: 1}
    @invalid_attrs %{name: nil}

    test "get_list!/2 returns the list with given id" do
      {:ok, %{model: list, version: _version}} = List.create_list(@valid_attrs)
      assert List.get_list!( ==

    test "create_list/1 with valid data creates a list" do
      assert {:ok, %{model: list, version: _version}} =

      assert ==

    test "create_list/1 with invalid data returns error changeset" do
      assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = List.create_list(@invalid_attrs)

    test "update_list/2 with valid data updates the list" do
      {:ok, %{model: list, version: _version}} = List.create_list(@valid_attrs)

      assert {:ok, %{model: list, version: _version}} =
               List.update_list(list, @update_attrs)

      assert == "some updated text"

Once you've saved the file, run the tests with the following command:

mix test test/app/list_test.exs

You should see all four tests fail (because the functions they invoke do not yet exist):

1) test list create_list/1 with valid data creates a list (App.ListTest)
     ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function App.List.create_list/1 is undefined or private
     code: List.create_list(@valid_attrs)
       (app 1.0.0) App.List.create_list(%{status: 2, text: "My List", person_id: 1})
       test/app/list_test.exs:17: (test)

  2) test list create_list/1 with invalid data returns error changeset (App.ListTest)
     ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function App.List.create_list/1 is undefined or private
     code: assert {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} = List.create_list(@invalid_attrs)
       (app 1.0.0) App.List.create_list(%{text: nil})
       test/app/list_test.exs:25: (test)

  3) test list get_list!/2 returns the list with given id (App.ListTest)
     ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function App.List.create_list/1 is undefined or private
     code: {:ok, %{model: list, version: _version}} = List.create_list(@valid_attrs)
       (app 1.0.0) App.List.create_list(%{status: 2, text: "My List", person_id: 1})
       test/app/list_test.exs:11: (test)

  4) test list update_list/2 with valid data updates the list (App.ListTest)
     ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function App.List.create_list/1 is undefined or private
     code: {:ok, %{model: list, version: _version}} = List.create_list(@valid_attrs)
       (app 1.0.0) App.List.create_list(%{status: 2, text: "My List", person_id: 1})
       test/app/list_test.exs:29: (test)

Finished in 0.03 seconds (0.03s async, 0.00s sync)
4 tests, 4 failures

Randomized with seed 730787

This is expected. Let's create the required functions.

Define the basic lists functions

In the lib/app/list.ex file, add the following aliases near the top of the file:

alias App.{Repo}
alias PaperTrail
alias __MODULE__

Next add the following functions:

def create_list(attrs) do
  |> changeset(attrs)
  |> PaperTrail.insert()

def get_list!(id) do
  |> Repo.get!(id)

def update_list(%List{} = list, attrs) do
  |> List.changeset(attrs)
  |> PaperTrail.update()

The main functions to pay attention to in the newly created files are: App.List.create_list/1 that creates a new list and App.List.update_list/2 which updates the list. Both are simple and well-documented.


create_list/1 receives a Map of attrs (attributes) which it validates using changeset/2 function and then inserts into the lists table via the PaperTrail.insert() function:

def create_list(attrs) do
  |> changeset(attrs)
  |> PaperTrail.insert()

The attrs are just:

  • name the name/description of the list
  • person_id the id of the person creating the list, and
  • status (optional) an integer representing the status of the list, this is useful later when people have a draft or archived list.

If you are new to the PaperTrail package and the benefits it offers, we wrote a quick intro: dwyl/phoenix-papertrail-demo

The gist is this: it gives us version history for records in our database without any query overhead.

Get lists for a person

To display the lists that belong to a person we need a simple query.

Test get_lists_for_person/1

Open the test/app/list_test.exs file and add the following test:

test "get_lists_for_person/1 returns the lists for the person_id" do
  person_id = 3
  lists_before = App.List.get_lists_for_person(person_id)
  assert length(lists_before) == 0

  # Create a couple of lists
  {:ok, %{model: all_list}} =
    %{name: "all", person_id: person_id, status: 2}
    |> App.List.create_list()

  {:ok, %{model: recipe_list}} =
    %{name: "recipes", person_id: person_id, status: 2}
    |> App.List.create_list()

  # Retrieve the lists for the person_id:
  lists_after = App.List.get_lists_for_person(person_id)
  assert length(lists_after) == 2
  assert Enum.member?(lists_after, all_list)
  assert Enum.member?(lists_after, recipe_list)

Implment the get_lists_for_person/1 function

In the lib/app/list.ex file, implement the function as simply as possible:

def get_lists_for_person(person_id) do
  |> where(person_id: ^person_id)
  |> Repo.all()

For this function to work, replace the line:

import Ecto.Changeset


import Ecto.{Changeset, Query}

i.e. we need to import the Ecto.Query module to gain access to the the where/3 filtering function.

Note: If you're rusty on Ecto.Query, refresh your memory on: And if you get stuck, please just open an issue.

Make sure the test is passing as we will be using this function next!

Create the "All" list for a given person_id

In order to have sorting/reordering of list_items (see next chapter) we first need to have a list! Rather than forcing people to manually create their "all" list before they know what a list is, it will be created for them automatically when they first authenticate.

Test get_list_by_text!/2

In the test/app/list_test.exs file, create the following test:

test "get_list_by_text!/2 returns the list for the person_id by text" do
  person_id = 4
  %{name: "All", person_id: person_id, status: 2}
    |> App.List.create_list()
  list = App.List.get_list_by_text!("all", person_id)
  assert list.text == "all"

Define get_list_by_text!/2

This is one is dead simple thanks to Ecto compact syntax:

def get_list_by_text!(name, person_id) do
  Repo.get_by(List, name: name, person_id: person_id)

Note: in future, we may need to use if we think there's a chance a person may have multiple lists with "all" in the

Add Existing itmes to the "All" list

One final function we need in order to retroactively add lists to our MVP App that started out without lists is a function to add all the existing items to the newly created "All" list.

Test add_all_items_to_all_list_for_person_id/1

Note: This is a temporary function that we will delete once all the existing people using the MVP have transitioned their items to the "All" list. But we still need to have a test for it!

Open test/app/list_test.exs and add the following test:

test "add_all_items_to_all_list_for_person_id/1 to seed the All list" do
  person_id = 0
  all_list = App.List.get_list_by_text!(person_id, "All")
  count_before = App.ListItem.next_position_on_list(
  assert count_before == 1

  item_ids = App.ListItem.get_items_on_all_list(person_id)
  assert length(item_ids) == 0

  updated_item_ids = App.ListItem.get_items_on_all_list(person_id)
  assert length(updated_item_ids) ==

  count_after = App.ListItem.next_position_on_list(
  assert count_before + length(updated_item_ids) == count_after

That's a very long test. Take a moment to read it through. Remember: this will be deleted, it's just data migration code.

Define add_items_to_all_list/1

In the lib/app/list_item.ex file, add the add_items_to_all_list/1 function definition:

def add_items_to_all_list(person_id) do
  all_list = App.List.get_list_by_text!(person_id, "All")
  all_items = App.Item.all_items_for_person(person_id)
  item_ids_in_all_list = get_items_on_all_list(person_id)

  |> Enum.with_index()
  |> Enum.each(fn {item, index} ->
    unless Enum.member?(item_ids_in_all_list, do
      add_list_item(item, all_list, person_id, (index + 1) / 1)

Update list.seq

In order to update the sequence of item cids for a given list we need to define a simple function.

Test update_list_seq/3

Open the test/app/list_test.exs file and add the following test:

  test "update_list_seq/3 updates the list.seq for the given list" do
    person_id = 314
    all_list = App.List.get_all_list_for_person(person_id)

    # Create a couple of items:
    assert {:ok, %{model: item1}} =
        Item.create_item(%{text: "buy land!", person_id: person_id, status: 2})
    assert {:ok, %{model: item2}} =
      Item.create_item(%{text: "plant trees & food", person_id: person_id, status: 2})
    assert {:ok, %{model: item3}} =
        Item.create_item(%{text: "live best life", person_id: person_id, status: 2})

    # Add the item cids to the list.seq:
    seq = "#{item1.cid},#{item2.cid},#{item3.cid}"

    # Update the list.seq for the all_list:
    {:ok, %{model: list}} = App.List.update_list_seq(all_list.cid, person_id, seq)
    assert list.seq == seq

    # Reorder the cids and update the list.seq
    updated_seq = "#{item3.cid},#{item2.cid},#{item1.cid}"
    {:ok, %{model: list}} = App.List.update_list_seq(all_list.cid, person_id, updated_seq)
    assert list.seq == updated_seq

Most of this test is setup code to create the items. The important bit is defining the seq and then invoking the update_list_seq/3 function.

Implement update_list_seq/3 function

  def update_list_seq(list_cid, person_id, seq) do
    list = get_list_by_cid!(list_cid)
    update_list(list, %{seq: seq, person_id: person_id})

With that function in place we have everything we need for updating a list. Let's add some interface code to allow people to reorder the items in their list!

Reordering items in a list

The people who tested the MVP noted that the ability to organise their items as an essential feature: dwyl/mvp#145

With the addition of lists we now have a way of organising our items using the list.seq or sequence.

This chapter will take you through how we implented reordering in the MVP from first principals.

Note: There is quite a lot to cover in this chapter, so we have created two standalone tutorials: drag-and-drop and cursor-tracking which detail the mechanics of dragging and dropping items and cursor tracking across browsers/devices. If you are totally new to drag-and-drop, we suggest following at least that one for full context.

At the end of this chapter you will be able to reorder the items in a list with cursor tracking and item highlighting:


Get/Set list.cid in mount/3

In order for us to know which list the person is viewing - and thus reordering - we need to add it to the socket.assigns in the mount/3 function. Open the lib/app_web/live/app_live.ex file and locate the mount/3 function.

Add the following lines to the body:

# Create or Get the "all" list for the person_id
all_list = App.List.get_all_list_for_person(person_id)
# Temporary function to add All *existing* items to the "All" list:

This is invoking two functions we previously created in lists.

Then in the returned tuple:

       items: items,

Make sure to add the line:

       list_cid: all_list.cid,

That will ensure that we know the list.cid later when the person reorders their items.

Moving items in the interface

There is quite a lot of code required to move items in the interface, we need to update 4 files.

Update the <li>

In the lib/app_web/live/app_live.html.heex file, locate the <ul> (unordered list) defintion:

  <!-- List of items with inline buttons and controls -->
  <ul class="w-full">
    <%= for item <- filter_items(@items, @filter, @filter_tag) do %>
        class="mt-2 flex w-full border-t border-slate-200 py-2"

Replace it with the following:

  <!-- List of items with inline buttons and controls -->
  <ul id="items" phx-hook="Items" x-data="{selectedItem: null}" class="w-full">
    <%= for item <- filter_items(@items, @filter, @filter_tag) do %>
        class={"mt-2 flex flex-col w-full border-t border-slate-200 py-2 item 
            #{if == @editing do 'cursor-default' else 'cursor-grab' end}"}
        draggable={"#{if == @editing do 'false' else 'true' end}"}
        x-data="{selected: false}"
        x-on:dragstart="selected = true; $dispatch('highlight', {id: $}); selectedItem = $el"
        x-on:dragend="selected = false; $dispatch('remove-highlight', {id: $}); selectedItem = null; $dispatch('update-indexes', {fromItemId: $})"
        x-bind:class="selected ?? 'cursor-grabbing'"
        x-on:dragover.throttle="$dispatch('dragoverItem', {selectedItemId:, currentItem: $el})"

There's a lot going on in this definition. But it's all related to 5 key areas:

  1. Select an item to be moved/reordered
  2. Add a highlight when an item is selected
  3. _Display) the appropriate cursor-grabbing class when the item is selected.
  4. Dispatch the dragoverItem event so that other connected clients can see the item being moved
  5. Remove the highlight when the item is no longer selected.

Note: if you feel this section could benefit from further explanation, please first read: drag-and-drop and cursor-tracking And if anything is still unclear, please open an issue: dwyl/book/issues

Add JS event handling code:

In the assets/js/app.js file, add the following code:

// Drag and drop highlight handlers
window.addEventListener("phx:highlight", (e) => {
  document.querySelectorAll("[data-highlight]").forEach(el => {
    if( == {
        liveSocket.execJS(el, el.getAttribute("data-highlight"))

// Item id of the destination in the DOM
let itemId_to;

let Hooks = {}
Hooks.Items = {
  mounted() {
    const hook = this

    this.el.addEventListener("highlight", e => {
      hook.pushEventTo("#items", "highlight", {id:})
      // console.log('highlight',

    this.el.addEventListener("remove-highlight", e => {
      hook.pushEventTo("#items", "removeHighlight", {id:})
      // console.log('remove-highlight',

    this.el.addEventListener("dragoverItem", e => {
      // console.log("dragoverItem", e.detail)
      const currentItemId =
      const selectedItemId = e.detail.selectedItemId
      if( currentItemId != selectedItemId) {
        hook.pushEventTo("#items", "dragoverItem", {currentItemId: currentItemId, selectedItemId: selectedItemId})
        itemId_to =

    this.el.addEventListener("update-indexes", e => {
      const item_id = e.detail.fromItemId 
      const list_ids = get_list_item_cids()
      console.log("update-indexes", e.detail, "list: ", list_ids)
      // Check if both "from" and "to" are defined
      if(item_id && itemId_to && item_id != itemId_to) {
        hook.pushEventTo("#items", "update_list_seq", 
          {seq: list_ids})
      itemId_to = null;

 * `get_list_item_ids/0` retrieves the full `list` of visible `items` form the DOM
 * and returns a String containing the IDs as a space-separated list e.g: "1 2 3 42 71 93"
 * This is used to determine the `position` of the `item` that has been moved.
function get_list_item_cids() {
  console.log("invoke get_list_item_ids")
  const lis = document.querySelectorAll("label[phx-value-cid]");
  return Object.values(lis).map(li => {
    return li.attributes["phx-value-cid"].nodeValue

window.addEventListener("phx:remove-highlight", (e) => {
  document.querySelectorAll("[data-highlight]").forEach(el => {
    if( == {
        liveSocket.execJS(el, el.getAttribute("data-remove-highlight"))

window.addEventListener("phx:dragover-item", (e) => {
  console.log("phx:dragover-item", e.detail)
  const selectedItem = document.querySelector(`#${e.detail.selected_item_id}`)
  const currentItem = document.querySelector(`#${e.detail.current_item_id}`)

  const items = document.querySelector('#items')
  const listItems = [...document.querySelectorAll('.item')]

  if(listItems.indexOf(selectedItem) < listItems.indexOf(currentItem)){
    items.insertBefore(selectedItem, currentItem.nextSibling)

  if(listItems.indexOf(selectedItem) > listItems.indexOf(currentItem)){
    items.insertBefore(selectedItem, currentItem)

Again, there's a fair amount of code there so take a moment to step through it and understand what each event listener does.

Handle event in LiveView

Back in the LiveView file, lib/app_web/live/app_live.ex add the following event handlers:

 @impl true
  def handle_event("highlight", %{"id" => id}, socket) do
    # IO.puts("highlight: #{id}")
    AppWeb.Endpoint.broadcast(@topic, "move_items", {:drag_item, id})
    {:noreply, socket}

  @impl true
  def handle_event("removeHighlight", %{"id" => id}, socket) do
    # IO.puts("removeHighlight: #{id}")
    AppWeb.Endpoint.broadcast(@topic, "move_items", {:drop_item, id})
    {:noreply, socket}

  @impl true
  def handle_event(
          "currentItemId" => current_item_id,
          "selectedItemId" => selected_item_id
      ) do
    # IO.puts("285: current_item_id: #{current_item_id}, selected_item_id: #{selected_item_id} | #{Useful.typeof(selected_item_id)}")
      {:dragover_item, {current_item_id, selected_item_id}}

    {:noreply, socket}

  @impl true
  def handle_info(
          event: "move_items",
          payload: {:dragover_item, {current_item_id, selected_item_id}}
      ) do
    # IO.puts(
    #   "cur_item_id: #{current_item_id}, selected_item_id: #{selected_item_id}"
    # )

     push_event(socket, "dragover-item", %{
       current_item_id: current_item_id,
       selected_item_id: selected_item_id

  @impl true
  def handle_info(
        %Broadcast{event: "move_items", payload: {:drag_item, item_id}},
      ) do
    {:noreply, push_event(socket, "highlight", %{id: item_id})}

  @impl true
  def handle_info(
        %Broadcast{event: "move_items", payload: {:drop_item, item_id}},
      ) do
    {:noreply, push_event(socket, "remove-highlight", %{id: item_id})}

  @impl true
  def handle_event(
        %{"seq" => seq},
      ) do
    list_cid = get_list_cid(socket.assigns)
    person_id = get_person_id(socket.assigns)
    App.List.update_list_seq(list_cid, person_id, seq)
    {:noreply, socket}

Handle the update_list_seq event

All the highlight, remove-highlight and move_items handlers are for presentation and synching between clients. The handler that performs the actual list updating is:

  @impl true
  def handle_event(
        %{"seq" => seq},
      ) do
    list_cid = get_list_cid(socket.assigns)
    person_id = get_person_id(socket.assigns)
    App.List.update_list_seq(list_cid, person_id, seq)
    {:noreply, socket}

This receives the seq (sequence of item.cid) from the client and and updates the list.seq using the previously defined update_list_seq/3 function.

With this code in place we now have everything we need for reordering items on a single list. Try it!

Add a Test!

To ensure this feature is tested, open the test/app_web/live/app_live_test.exs file and add the following test:

  test "Drag and Drop item", %{conn: conn} do
    person_id = 0
    # Creating Three items
    {:ok, %{model: item}} =
      Item.create_item(%{text: "Learn Elixir", person_id: person_id, status: 2})

    {:ok, %{model: item2}} =
      Item.create_item(%{ text: "Build Awesome App", person_id: person_id, status: 2})

    {:ok, %{model: item3}} =
      Item.create_item(%{ text: "Profit", person_id: person_id, status: 2})

    # Create "all" list for this person_id:
    list = App.List.get_all_list_for_person(person_id)

    # Add all items to "all" list:

    # Render LiveView
    {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, "/")

    # Highlight broadcast should have occurred
    assert render_hook(view, "highlight", %{"id" =>})
      |> String.split("bg-teal-300")
      |> Enum.drop(1)
      |> length() > 0

    # Dragover and remove highlight
    render_hook(view, "dragoverItem", %{
      "currentItemId" =>,
      "selectedItemId" =>

    assert render_hook(view, "removeHighlight", %{"id" =>})

    # reorder items:
    render_hook(view, "updateIndexes", %{
      "seq" => "#{item.cid},#{item2.cid},#{item3.cid}"

    all_list = App.List.get_all_list_for_person(person_id)
    seq = App.List.get_list_seq(all_list)
    pos1 = Enum.find_index(seq, fn x -> x == "#{item.cid}" end)
    pos2 = Enum.find_index(seq, fn x -> x == "#{item2.cid}" end)
    # IO.puts("#{pos1}: #{item.cid}")
    # IO.puts("#{pos2}: #{item2.cid}")

    assert pos1 < pos2

    # Update list_item.seq:
    {:ok, %{model: list}} = App.List.update_list_seq(list.cid, person_id, 
    new_seq = list.seq |> String.split(",")
    # dbg(new_seq)
    pos2 = Enum.find_index(new_seq, fn x -> x == "#{item2.cid}" end)
    pos3 = Enum.find_index(new_seq, fn x -> x == "#{item3.cid}" end)
    assert pos3 < pos2

Again, there's a lot going on in this test because it's testing for both the highlight and the update of the seq (sequence of item.cid) in the list. Take a momemnt to step through it and if you have any questions, ask!

A good place to read all the code for this in one place is:

Make Lists Useful

To make our lists feature useful we need to be able to:

  1. Create new custom lists.
  2. Add an item to the list.
  3. Remove an item from a list.

Create new list

TODO: Document the functions and interface implemented in:

Add item to list

Remove item from list

Most of the time people don't want an item to be on multiple lists. So we need a function to remove an item from a list when it gets moved to a different list. Thankfully it's pretty straightforward.

Test remove_item_from_list/3

Open the test/app/list_test.exs file and add the following test:

  test "remove_item_from_list/3 removes the item.cid from the list.seq" do
    # Random Person ID
    person_id = 386
    all_list = App.List.get_all_list_for_person(person_id)

    # Create items:
    assert {:ok, %{model: item1}} =
      Item.create_item(%{text: "buy land!", person_id: person_id, status: 2})
    assert {:ok, %{model: item2}} =
      Item.create_item(%{text: "prepare for societal collapse", person_id: person_id, status: 2})

    # Add both items to the list:
    seq = "#{item1.cid},#{item2.cid}"
    {:ok, %{model: list}} = App.List.update_list_seq(all_list.cid, person_id, seq)
    assert list.seq == seq

    # Remove the first item from the list:
    {:ok, %{model: list}} = App.List.remove_item_from_list(item1.cid, all_list.cid, person_id)

    # Only item2 should be on the list.seq:
    updated_seq = "#{item2.cid}"
    # Confirm removed:
    assert list.seq == updated_seq

Running this test (before implementing the function) will result in the following error:

mix test test/app/list_test.exs


warning: App.List.remove_item_from_list/2 is undefined or private
  test/app/list_test.exs:141: App.ListTest."test remove_item_from_list/3 removes the item.cid from the list.seq"/1

  1) test remove_item_from_list/3 removes the item.cid from the list.seq (App.ListTest)
     ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function App.List.remove_item_from_list/2 is undefined or private
     code: {:ok, %{model: list}} = App.List.remove_item_from_list(item1.cid, all_list.cid)
       (app 1.0.0) App.List.remove_item_from_list("zb2rhdaNQbkwwfEB9z65yRAtzmZvZmC5A3ei6tSkzySXaiKfi", "zb2rhid7hk43h1P24u7x88dAesrCVmh4uR53mUscxDAemyDaQ")
       test/app/list_test.exs:141: (test)

Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s async, 0.00s sync)
11 tests, 1 failure

Thankfully this is easy to resolve.

Implement remove_item_from_list/3 function

Open the lib/app/list.ex file and add the following function defition:

def remove_item_from_list(item_cid, list_cid, person_id) do
list = get_list_by_cid!(list_cid)
# get existing list.seq
seq =
    # remove the item_cid from the list.seq:
    |> Useful.remove_item_from_list(item_cid)
    |> Enum.join(",")

update_list(list, %{seq: seq, person_id: person_id})

This uses the super simple function: Useful.remove_item_from_list/2 which we published in our library of Useful functions. ⭐


This chapter adds a few basic metrics for the people using the MVP. 📈
If you have ideas for additional stats you want to see, please open an issue: dwyl/mvp/issues 🙏

Adding Sorting to the track metrics table and more additional fields

What happens when we need to track more metrics? And even, when we get more users on the MVP?

How can we sort the columns to make it easier to understand the data?

One of the most intuitive ways to manage large datasets is by enabling sorting. It allows users to arrange data in a manner that's most meaningful to them, be it in ascending or descending order. This makes it significantly easier to spot trends, anomalies, or specific data points.

In this section, we will supercharge our track metrics table, we will:

  • Introduce new columns (First Joined, Last Item Inserted and Total Elapsed Time)
  • Highlight your user on the table
  • Create a Table LiveComponent to componentize our table that can be used throughout the application
  • Implement Column Sorting

Sneak Peek ;D image

Add new columns

With the growth of our MVP, we've identified the need for more detailed metrics. This involves adding more fields to our existing stats query.

Since our new fields have dates to be shown we need a way to format them.

Let's create a new file called date_time_helper.ex inside the lib/app folder.

defmodule App.DateTimeHelper do
  require Decimal
  alias Timex.{Duration}

  def format_date(date) do
    Calendar.strftime(date, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")

  def format_duration(nil), do: ""

  def format_duration(seconds) when Decimal.is_decimal(seconds) do
    duration = seconds |> Decimal.to_integer() |> Duration.from_seconds()

    Timex.format_duration(duration, :humanized)

  def format_duration(_seconds), do: ""

This is a new helper module that we are going to use to format dates and durations.

We will need the Decimal and the Timex library to format it.

require Decimal

This line tells Elixir that you will be using macros from the Decimal module. This is needed because the code calls Decimal.is_decimal/1 later.

alias Timex.{Duration}

An alias is a way to reference a module with a shorter name. Here, we're creating an alias for Timex.Duration so that we can simply write Duration instead of the full module name.

def format_date(date) do
  Calendar.strftime(date, "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")

This function takes in a date and returns a formatted string in the pattern "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS". It uses the strftime function from the Calendar module to accomplish this.

def format_duration(nil), do: ""

def format_duration(seconds) when Decimal.is_decimal(seconds) do
  duration = seconds |> Decimal.to_integer() |> Duration.from_seconds()

  Timex.format_duration(duration, :humanized)

def format_duration(_seconds), do: ""

The first function clause matches when the input is nil. It simply returns an empty string.

The second clause is where the juicy is, it matches when the given seconds is a decimal (in this case, it's what is going to be return from Ecto). It does the following:

  • Checks if seconds is a decimal using Decimal.is_decimal/1.
  • Converts the decimal value of seconds to an integer using Decimal.to_integer/1.
  • Converts the integer value to a duration using Duration.from_seconds/1.
  • Formats the duration using Timex.format_duration/2 with a :humanized option.

The last clause of the format_duration/1 function matches any input (other than nil and decimals, which were handled by the previous clauses). This function simply returns an empty string.

In summary, this App.DateTimeHelper module provides utility functions to format dates and durations. Dates are formatted in the "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS" pattern, while durations are formatted in a humanized form if they are decimals; otherwise, an empty string is returned. If we want we could possibly extend this module to more utilities functions.

Now, we can create some tests for this new module, inside the test/app create a new file called date_time_helper_test.exs with the following content.

defmodule App.DateTimeHelperTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  alias App.DateTimeHelper
  alias Timex

  describe "format_date/1" do
    test "formats a date correctly" do
      dt = Timex.parse!("2023-08-02T15:30:30+00:00", "{ISO:Extended}")
      assert DateTimeHelper.format_date(dt) == "08/02/2023 15:30:30"

  describe "format_duration/1" do
    test "returns an empty string for nil" do
      assert DateTimeHelper.format_duration(nil) == ""

    test "returns an empty string when other than decimal" do
      assert DateTimeHelper.format_duration(12345) == ""

    test "formats a duration correctly" do
      duration_seconds =

      assert DateTimeHelper.format_duration(duration_seconds) ==
               "3 hours, 25 minutes, 45 seconds"

    test "formats a zero decimal duration correctly" do
      duration_seconds =

      assert DateTimeHelper.format_duration(duration_seconds) ==
               "0 microseconds"

This file tests various cases using the DateTimeHelper, feel free to take your time to understand each one.

With our Helper fully tested we can now modify our item.ex to return the new columns that we want in our Stats Live page.

Open item.ex and update the person_with_item_and_timer_count/0 method:

def person_with_item_and_timer_count() do
  sql = """
  SELECT i.person_id,
  COUNT(distinct AS "num_items",
  COUNT(distinct AS "num_timers",
  MIN(i.inserted_at) AS "first_inserted_at",
  MAX(i.inserted_at) AS "last_inserted_at",
  SUM(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (t.stop - t.start))) AS "total_timers_in_seconds"
  FROM items i
  LEFT JOIN timers t ON t.item_id =
  GROUP BY i.person_id

  Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(Repo, sql)
  |> map_columns_to_values()

We are just adding three new columns to it, first_inserted_at, last_inserted_at and total_timers_in_seconds.

MIN(i.inserted_at) AS "first_inserted_at"

This column gets the earliest inserted_at timestamp from the items table for each person_id. The MIN SQL function retrieves the minimum value in the inserted_at column for each group of records with the same person_id.

MAX(i.inserted_at) AS "last_inserted_at"

Conversely, this column gets the most recent inserted_at timestamp from the items table for each person_id. The MAX SQL function retrieves the maximum value in the inserted_at column for each group of records with the same person_id.

SUM(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (t.stop - t.start))) AS "total_timers_in_seconds"

This one is more tricky, but don't worry. This column calculates the total duration of all timers associated with each item for a given person_id.

The inner expression (t.stop - t.start) calculates the duration of each timer by subtracting the start time from the stop time, this will give us a resulted timestamp that is the difference between the two.

The EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ...) function then converts this duration into seconds. Finally, the SUM function aggregates (sums up) all these durations for each group of records with the same person_id.

You can read more about the EXTRACT PostgreSQL function here.


There is one last thing we need to do to show our new columns on the Phoenix template.

We need to add a helpers in our stats_live.ex file so we can format the date and duration.

Open this file and add the following code in the beggining of the file and the two methods on the end:

defmodule AppWeb.StatsLive do
  alias App.{Item, DateTimeHelper}

  def format_date(date) do

  def format_seconds(seconds) do

This is just calling the DateTimeHelper module with the methods that we created.

Great! Now we can show or new columns inside the Phoenix Template.

Open the stats_live.html.heex and update the table to add the new columns and fields:

<table class="text-sm text-left text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 table-auto">
  <thead class="text-xs text-gray-700 uppercase bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">
      <th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3 text-center">
        First Joined
      <th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3 text-center">
        Last Item Inserted
      <th scope="col" class="px-6 py-3 text-center">
        Total Elapsed Time
    <%= for metric <- @metrics do %>
      <tr class="bg-white border-b dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700">
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center">
          <%= format_date(metric.first_inserted_at) %>
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center">
          <%= format_date(metric.last_inserted_at) %>
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center">
          <%= format_seconds(metric.total_timers_in_seconds) %>
    <% end %>

Done! Now we have our new columns and rows with the appropriate information as planned and already formatted.

The next tasks will only enhance that!

Highlight your user on the table

To emphasize the currently logged-in user within the table, we'll first need to retrieve the user's information within our Phoenix LiveView, similar to how app_live operates.

Begin by opening stats_live.ex and add the following code:

defmodule AppWeb.StatsLive do
  @stats_topic "stats"

  defp get_person_id(assigns), do: assigns[:person][:id] || 0

  @impl true
  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do

    person_id = get_person_id(socket.assigns)
    metrics = Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count()

       person_id: person_id,
       metrics: metrics,


Now to explain the changes.

defp get_person_id(assigns), do: assigns[:person][:id] || 0

This function attempts to extract the :id of the :person from the given assigns (a map or struct). If it doesn't find an ID, it defaults to 0.

person_id = get_person_id(socket.assigns)

This line inside the mount/3 retrieves the person_id from the socket.assigns using the aforementioned private function.

Furthermore, the assign/3 function call has been updated to include this person_id in the socket's assigns.

In the previous step, we made adjustments to the AppWeb.StatsLive module to extract the person_id of the currently logged-in user. Now, it's time to use that to visually distinguish the user's row in our table.

Open the stats_live.html.heex file, where our table is defined. We're going to conditionally set the background and border colors of each table row based on whether the row corresponds to the currently logged-in user.

Locate the <tbody> section of your table, where each metric from @metrics is looped over to generate table rows and update the code to the following below:


  <%= for metric <- @metrics do %>
    <tr class={
      if metric.person_id == @person_id,
          "bg-teal-100 border-teal-500 dark:bg-teal-800 dark:border-teal-700",
        else: "bg-white border-b dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700"
      <td class="px-6 py-4">
        <a href={person_link(metric.person_id)}>
          <%= metric.person_id %>

What we're doing here is checking if the person_id of the current metric matches the @person_id (the ID of the logged-in user). If it does:

  • The row will have a teal background (bg-teal-100) and border (border-teal-500).
  • In dark mode, it will have a darker teal background (dark:bg-teal-800) and border (dark:border-teal-700).

And if the IDs don't match, the row will maintain the same look.

With these changes, when you view your table now, the row corresponding to the currently logged-in user will be distinctly highlighted, providing an intuitive visual cue for users.

Creating a Table LiveComponent

In this section we are going to build a LiveComponent that can be reused throughout our application.

This LiveComponent will be a table with dynamic rows and columns so we can create other tables if needed. This will be a good showcase of the LiveComponent capabilities as well.

From the Phoenix.LiveComponent docs:

LiveComponents are a mechanism to compartmentalize state, markup, and events in LiveView.

So with that in mind, let's begin by creating our live component file.

Remember to create new folders if needed.

Create a new file inside the lib/app_web/live/components/table_component.ex with the following content:

defmodule AppWeb.TableComponent do
  use Phoenix.LiveComponent

  def render(assigns) do

This is a simple LiveComponent code that points to a new table_component.html template, let's create this file too inside the lib/app_web/templates/table_component/table_component.html.heex with the following content:

<table class="text-sm text-left text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 table-auto">
  <thead class="text-xs text-gray-700 uppercase bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">
    <%= for column <- @column do %>
        class="px-6 py-3 text-center cursor-pointer"
        <a href="#" class="group inline-flex">
          <%= column.label %>
    <% end %>
    <%= for row <- @rows do %>
      <tr class={
        if @highlight.(row),
            "bg-teal-100 border-teal-500 dark:bg-teal-800 dark:border-teal-700",
          else: "bg-white border-b dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700"
        <%= for column <- @column do %>
          <%= render_slot(column, row) %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>

Before we proceed, let's take a moment to understand what we've just created:

The LiveComponent File:

  • We've created a new LiveComponent named AppWeb.TableComponent.
  • This component uses Phoenix.View.render/3 to render a template named table_component.html.

The Template File:

  • This is a general-purpose table template with the all the current styles that we have on our stats_live template.
  • The headers () of the table are dynamically generated based on the @column assign, which is expected to be a list of columns with their respective labels.
  • The body () of the table is dynamically generated based on the @rows assign. Each row's appearance can be conditionally modified using the @highlight function (we are going to use to highlight the current logged user, remember?).
  • The render_slot/2 function suggests that this component will use "slots" - a feature in Phoenix LiveView that allows for rendering dynamic parts of a component.

To finish the LiveComponent we just need to create our view file that will make everything work together, create this new file inside lb/app_web/views/table_component_view.ex with the following content:

defmodule AppWeb.TableComponentView do
  use AppWeb, :view

With that in place, we can update our Stats page to use this LiveComponent in a dynamic way. Open the stats_live.html.heex and make the following modifications:


      highlight={&is_highlighted_person?(&1, @person_id)}
      <:column :let={metric} label="Id" key="person_id">
        <td class="px-6 py-4" data-test-id="person_id">
          <a href={person_link(metric.person_id)}>
            <%= metric.person_id %>

      <:column :let={metric} label="Items" key="num_items">
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center" data-test-id="num_items">
          <%= metric.num_items %>

      <:column :let={metric} label="Timers" key="num_timers">
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center" data-test-id="num_timers">
          <%= metric.num_timers %>

      <:column :let={metric} label="First Joined" key="first_inserted_at">
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center" data-test-id="first_inserted_at">
          <%= format_date(metric.first_inserted_at) %>

      <:column :let={metric} label="Last Item Inserted" key="last_inserted_at">
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center" data-test-id="last_inserted_at">
          <%= format_date(metric.last_inserted_at) %>

        label="Total Elapsed Time"
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center" data-test-id="total_timers_in_seconds">
          <%= format_seconds(metric.total_timers_in_seconds) %>

Now let's breakdown the code.

  highlight={&is_highlighted_person?(&1, @person_id)}
  • The tag <.live_component> is the syntax to embed a LiveComponent within a LiveView.
  • We specify which LiveComponent to use using the module attribute. In this case, it's the AppWeb.TableComponent we discussed in the previous steps.
  • Setting the id is essential for Phoenix to keep track of the component's state across updates.
  • rows={@metrics} passes the @metrics assign to the component as its rows property.
  • highlight={&is_highlighted_person?(&1, @person_id)} passes a function as the highlight property to the component. This function checks if a given row should be highlighted. We will create this function inside our stats_live.ex on the next step.

The next sections use the slot feature of LiveComponents:

<:column :let={metric} label="Id" key="person_id">
  • <:column ...> is a slot. It tells the TableComponent how to render each cell of a column. The :let={metric} attribute means that inside this slot, you can access each row's data with the variable metric.
  • label="Id" specifies the header label for this column.
  • key="person_id" this key will be used to sort the columns when we get there.

Inside each slot, the template for rendering the cell is provided. For instance:

<td class="px-6 py-4" data-test-id="person_id">
  <a href={person_link(metric.person_id)}>
    <%= metric.person_id %>

This renders a table cell with the person_id content. The data-test-id attribute will be used for testing purposes, making it easier to find this specific element in test scenarios, more about that later.

As a last update for this section we need to create the is_highlighted_person?/2 method inside our stats_live.ex file:

defmodule AppWeb.StatsLive do


  def is_highlighted_person?(metric, person_id),
      do: metric.person_id == person_id

In summary, this code replaces the static table that we had with a dynamic one, utilizing our TableComponent.

Now you can run the code and see the same result that we had before.

Implement Column Sorting

Finally, we are in our last section to add the column sorting feature!

For these we will need:

  • Add the sorting logic inside our query and method of item.ex file.
  • Include the sort mechanism on the Table LiveComponent by adding a onclick event in the table header's
  • Add the event to sort on the Stats LiveView
  • Create tests for everything

To add the sorting logic inside item.ex file, we are going to create two parameters to our current method that fetches the stats. And we are going to validate the parameters as well.

Open the item.ex file and update to the following:


  def person_with_item_and_timer_count(
          sort_column \\ :person_id,
          sort_order \\ :asc
      ) do
    sort_column = to_string(sort_column)
    sort_order = to_string(sort_order)

    sort_column =
      if validate_sort_column(sort_column), do: sort_column, else: "person_id"

    sort_order = if validate_order(sort_order), do: sort_order, else: "asc"

    sql = """
    SELECT i.person_id,
    COUNT(distinct AS "num_items",
    COUNT(distinct AS "num_timers",
    MIN(i.inserted_at) AS "first_inserted_at",
    MAX(i.inserted_at) AS "last_inserted_at",
    SUM(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (t.stop - t.start))) AS "total_timers_in_seconds"
    FROM items i
    LEFT JOIN timers t ON t.item_id =
    GROUP BY i.person_id
    ORDER BY #{sort_column} #{sort_order}


  # validates the items columns to make sure it's a valid column passed
  defp validate_sort_column(column) do
      ~w(person_id num_items num_timers first_inserted_at last_inserted_at total_timers_in_seconds),

  # validates the order SQL to make sure it's a valid asc or desc
  defp validate_order(order) do
      ~w(asc desc),

In the person_with_item_and_timer_count/2 function, two default parameters have been introduced: sort_column and sort_order. These parameters dictate which column the result should be sorted by and the direction of the sort, respectively.

The default values (:person_id for column and :asc for order) ensure that if no sorting criteria are provided when calling the function, it will default to sorting by person_id in ascending order.

To ensure that only valid column names and sorting orders are used in our SQL query (and to prevent potential SQL injection attacks), we need to validate these parameters:

sort_column = to_string(sort_column)
sort_order = to_string(sort_order)

sort_column =
  if validate_sort_column(sort_column), do: sort_column, else: "person_id"

sort_order = if validate_order(sort_order), do: sort_order, else: "asc"

Here, the sort_column and sort_order parameters are first converted to strings. Then, the validate_sort_column/1 and validate_order/1 private functions are used to check if the provided values are valid. If they aren't, defaults are set.

The SQL query has been modified to include an ORDER BY clause as well using string interpolation to insert the parameters on the query after validating them.

The private function validate_sort_column/1 and validate_order/1 are similar, since they ensure that the provided column/order is one of the valid ones in our stats.

The ~w(...) is a word list in Elixir, which creates a list of strings. The Enum.member?/2 function checks if the provided value exists in this list.

By introducing these changes, you've made the person_with_item_and_timer_count/2 function more versatile, allowing it to retrieve sorted results based on provided criteria. Additionally, by validating the input parameters, you've added an essential layer of security to prevent potential misuse or attacks.

Let's include now the sorting mechanism inside the TableComponent.

For that, we will create two template files that will be used as SVG with an arrow poiting up and another pointing down to include these on our table header's.

Create the following two files.


  class="ml-2 flex-none rounded bg-gray-100 text-gray-900 group-hover:bg-gray-200"
    class="h-5 w-5"
    viewBox="0 0 20 20"
      d="M5.23 7.21a.75.75 0 011.06.02L10 11.168l3.71-3.938a.75.75 0 111.08 1.04l-4.25 4.5a.75.75 0 01-1.08 0l-4.25-4.5a.75.75 0 01.02-1.06z"


<%= if @invisible do %>
    class="invisible ml-2 flex-none rounded text-gray-400 group-hover:visible group-focus:visible"
      class="invisible ml-2 h-5 rotate-180 w-5 flex-none rounded text-gray-400 group-hover:visible group-focus:visible"
      viewBox="0 0 20 20"
        d="M5.23 7.21a.75.75 0 011.06.02L10 11.168l3.71-3.938a.75.75 0 111.08 1.04l-4.25 4.5a.75.75 0 01-1.08 0l-4.25-4.5a.75.75 0 01.02-1.06z"
<% else %>
    class="ml-2 flex-none rounded bg-gray-100 text-gray-900 group-hover:bg-gray-200"
      class="h-5 w-5 rotate-180"
      viewBox="0 0 20 20"
        d="M5.23 7.21a.75.75 0 011.06.02L10 11.168l3.71-3.938a.75.75 0 111.08 1.04l-4.25 4.5a.75.75 0 01-1.08 0l-4.25-4.5a.75.75 0 01.02-1.06z"
<% end %>

These files are similar, the only difference is that the arrow_up will be invisible when there is no selection. We will create a method to deal with the show/hide of the arrows inside our table_component_view.ex.

Let's open this file and create the following methods:

defmodule AppWeb.TableComponentView do
  use AppWeb, :view

  def render_arrow_down() do
    Phoenix.View.render(AppWeb.TableComponentView, "arrow_down.html", %{})

  def render_arrow_up() do
    Phoenix.View.render(AppWeb.TableComponentView, "arrow_up.html", %{
      invisible: false

  def render_arrow_up(:invisible) do
    Phoenix.View.render(AppWeb.TableComponentView, "arrow_up.html", %{
      invisible: true

There are three methods added to render arrow icons:

  • render_arrow_down/0: Renders a downward-pointing arrow, used to indicate descending sort order.
  • render_arrow_up/0: Renders an upward-pointing arrow, used to indicate ascending sort order. By default, this arrow is visible.
  • render_arrow_up/:invisible: An overloaded version of the above method, which renders the upward-pointing arrow but marks it as invisible.

The invisible attribute in the third method will be used as a conditional rendering in the arrow_up.html template to hide the arrow when invisible is set to true.

Let's update our table_component.html.heex template now, to include the arrows and the new Phoenix event that will be used to trigger the sorting mechanism.

Open the table_component.html.heex and make the following modifications:

<table class="text-sm text-left text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 table-auto">
  <thead class="text-xs text-gray-700 uppercase bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400">
    <%= for column <- @column do %>
        class="px-6 py-3 text-center cursor-pointer"
        <a href="#" class="group inline-flex">
          <%= column.label %>

          <%= if @sort_column == String.to_atom(column.key) do %>
            <%= if @sort_order == :asc do %>
              <%= render_arrow_up() %>
            <% else %>
              <%= render_arrow_down() %>
            <% end %>
          <% else %>
            <%= render_arrow_up(:invisible) %>
          <% end %>
    <% end %>

The phx-click="sort" attribute indicates that when a user clicks a header, the sort event will be triggered in the LiveView. The phx-value-key sends the key of the column (like person_id, num_items, etc.) to the server as the value of the clicked item, that will be used for determining which column to sort by.

<%= if @sort_column == String.to_atom(column.key) do %>
  <%= if @sort_order == :asc do %>
    <%= render_arrow_up() %>
  <% else %>
    <%= render_arrow_down() %>
  <% end %>
<% else %>
  <%= render_arrow_up(:invisible) %>
<% end %>

This logic determines which arrow to display next to a column label:

  • If the current sort column (@sort_column) matches the column's key, it means this column is the one currently being sorted.
    • Within this condition, if the sort order (@sort_order) is ascending (:asc), the upward-pointing arrow is displayed using the render_arrow_up() function.
    • If the sort order is not ascending, then the downward-pointing arrow is displayed using the render_arrow_down() function.
  • If the current sort column does not match the column's key, an upward-pointing arrow in an invisible state is displayed using render_arrow_up(:invisible). This gives a visual cue to the user that they can click to sort by this column.

The additions to this file enhance the table by adding sortable column headers. When a user clicks on a column header, the table's content is re-ordered based on that column. The sort arrows provide a clear visual indication of the current sort column and its direction (ascending or descending).

Now, we just need to update our Stats LiveView to include this new variables and logic.

Open the stats_live.ex and update to the following code:

defmodule AppWeb.StatsLive do

  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    # subscribe to the channel
    if connected?(socket), do: AppWeb.Endpoint.subscribe(@stats_topic)

    person_id = get_person_id(socket.assigns)
    metrics = Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count()

       person_id: person_id,
       metrics: metrics,
       sort_column: :person_id,
       sort_order: :asc


  @impl true
  def handle_event("sort", %{"key" => key}, socket) do
    sort_column =
      |> String.to_atom()

    sort_order =
      if socket.assigns.sort_column == sort_column do

    metrics = Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count(sort_column, sort_order)

       metrics: metrics,
       sort_column: sort_column,
       sort_order: sort_order


  defp toggle_sort_order(:asc), do: :desc
  defp toggle_sort_order(:desc), do: :asc

In the mount/3 function, two new assigns are initialized: sort_column and sort_order.

sort_column: :person_id,
sort_order: :asc
  • sort_column: Represents the column on which the table is currently sorted. By default, it's set to :person_id.
  • sort_order: Represents the order in which the table is currently sorted. By default, it's set to :asc (ascending).

A new function, handle_event/3, has been added to handle the "sort" event, which is triggered when a user clicks on a table column header to sort by that column.

def handle_event("sort", %{"key" => key}, socket) do

This function takes in an event payload with a key (the column to sort by) and the current socket.

  • The provided key is converted to an atom to get the sort_column.
  • The sort_order is determined using the toggle_sort_order/1 function. If the clicked column (sort_column) is the same as the one currently being sorted, the sort order is toggled (from ascending to descending or vice versa). If it's a different column, the sort order is set to ascending by default.
  • With the determined sort_column and sort_order, the function fetches the sorted metrics using Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count/2.
  • Finally, the socket is updated with the new metrics and sorting parameters.

A private helper function, toggle_sort_order/1, has been introduced to toggle the sorting order:

defp toggle_sort_order(:asc), do: :desc
defp toggle_sort_order(:desc), do: :asc

If the current order is ascending (:asc), it returns descending (:desc), and vice versa.

These modifications enhance the AppWeb.StatsLive module with dynamic sorting capabilities. Users can now click on table column headers to sort the table's content based on the chosen column, and the sort order will toggle between ascending and descending with each click.

Finally, we need to update our usage of the Table LiveComponent for the usage of these new sort variables.

Open the stats_live.html.heex file and make the following modifications:


      highlight={&is_highlighted_person?(&1, @person_id)}
      <:column :let={metric} label="Id" key="person_id">
        <td class="px-6 py-4" data-test-id="person_id">
          <a href={person_link(metric.person_id)}>
            <%= metric.person_id %>

      <:column :let={metric} label="Items" key="num_items">
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center" data-test-id="num_items">
          <%= metric.num_items %>

      <:column :let={metric} label="Timers" key="num_timers">
        <td class="px-6 py-4 text-center" data-test-id="num_timers">
          <%= metric.num_timers %>


We are just passing the sort_column and sort_order to the live component to be used internally for the arrow logic.

Remember the key attribute that we created before? It's used to determine which column was clicked and to trigger the sort event.

With that, we finished all of our tasks! Yay! Let's run the application and see our results:

mix s

Our final modification will be create tests for everything, let's update all tests to test the new features:


  describe "items" do
    @another_person %{text: "some text", person_id: 2, status: 2}


  test "Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count/0 returns a list of count of timers and items for each given person" do

    assert first_element.num_items == 2
    assert first_element.num_timers == 2

           ) == :eq

           ) == :eq

  test "Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count/1 returns a list sorted in ascending order" do
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)

    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@another_person)
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@another_person)

    # list person with number of timers and items
    result = Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count(:person_id)

    assert length(result) == 2

    first_element =, 0)
    assert first_element.person_id == 1

  test "Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count/1 returns a sorted list based on the column" do
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)

    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@another_person)
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@another_person)

    # list person with number of timers and items
    result = Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count(:person_id, :desc)

    assert length(result) == 2

    first_element =, 0)
    assert first_element.person_id == 2

  test "Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count/1 returns a sorted list by person_id if invalid sorted column and order" do
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)

    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@another_person)
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} = Item.create_item(@another_person)

    # list person with number of timers and items
    result =
      Item.person_with_item_and_timer_count(:invalid_column, :invalid_order)

    assert length(result) == 2

    first_element =, 0)
    assert first_element.person_id == 1


defmodule AppWeb.TableComponentTest do
  use AppWeb.ConnCase, async: true
  alias AppWeb.TableComponent
  import Phoenix.LiveViewTest

  @column [
    %{label: "Person Id", key: "person_id"},
    %{label: "Num Items", key: "num_items"}

  test "renders table correctly" do
    component_rendered =
        column: @column,
        sort_column: :person_id,
        sort_order: :asc,
        rows: []

    assert component_rendered =~ "Person Id"
    assert component_rendered =~ "Num Items"

    assert component_rendered =~ "person_id"
    assert component_rendered =~ "num_items"

    assert component_rendered =~ "arrow_up"
    assert component_rendered =~ "invisible_arrow_up"

  test "renders table correctly with desc arrow" do
    component_rendered =
        column: @column,
        sort_column: :person_id,
        sort_order: :desc,
        rows: []

    assert component_rendered =~ "Person Id"
    assert component_rendered =~ "Num Items"

    assert component_rendered =~ "person_id"
    assert component_rendered =~ "num_items"

    assert component_rendered =~ "arrow_down"
    assert component_rendered =~ "invisible_arrow_up"


defmodule AppWeb.StatsLiveTest do
  alias App.DateTimeHelper

  test "display metrics on mount", %{conn: conn} do
      # Creating one timer
    started = NaiveDateTime.utc_now()
    {:ok, timer} = Timer.start(%{item_id:, start: started})
    {:ok, _} = Timer.stop(%{id:})


    # two items and one timer expected
    assert page_live |> element("td[data-test-id=person_id]") |> render() =~

    assert page_live |> element("td[data-test-id=num_items]") |> render() =~ "2"

    assert page_live |> element("td[data-test-id=num_timers]") |> render() =~

    assert page_live
           |> element("td[data-test-id=first_inserted_at]")
           |> render() =~

    assert page_live
           |> element("td[data-test-id=last_inserted_at]")
           |> render() =~

    assert page_live
           |> element("td[data-test-id=total_timers_in_seconds]")
           |> render() =~

  test "handle broadcast when item is created", %{conn: conn} do

    assert render(page_live) =~ "Stats"
    # num of items
    assert page_live |> element("td[data-test-id=num_items]") |> render() =~ "1"


    # num of items
    assert page_live |> element("td[data-test-id=num_items]") |> render() =~ "2"


    # num of items
    assert page_live |> element("td[data-test-id=num_items]") |> render() =~ "2"

  test "handle broadcast when timer is created", %{conn: conn} do

    assert render(page_live) =~ "Stats"
    # num of timers
    assert page_live |> element("td[data-test-id=num_timers]") |> render() =~

    # num of timers
    assert page_live |> element("td[data-test-id=num_timers]") |> render() =~


    # num of timers
    assert page_live |> element("td[data-test-id=num_timers]") |> render() =~


  test "sorting column when clicked", %{conn: conn} do
    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} =
      Item.create_item(%{text: "Learn Elixir", status: 2, person_id: 1})

    {:ok, %{model: _, version: _version}} =
      Item.create_item(%{text: "Learn Elixir", status: 4, person_id: 2})

    {:ok, page_live, _html} = live(conn, "/stats")

    # sort first time
    result =
      page_live |> element("th[phx-value-key=person_id]") |> render_click()

    [first_element | _] = Floki.find(result, "td[data-test-id=person_id]")

    assert first_element |> Floki.text() =~ "2"

    # sort second time
    result =
      page_live |> element("th[phx-value-key=person_id]") |> render_click()

    [first_element | _] = Floki.find(result, "td[data-test-id=person_id]")

    assert first_element |> Floki.text() =~ "1"

Let's run the tests:

mix t

That's it! I'll let the tests file for you to explore and test different cases if you want.


# `tidy`

The app to help you tidy your life.

The reasoning for creating this mini-app is simple: clutter costs us cash because it wastes time. Having an untidy home prevents us from living our "best life". So we want to fix the problem systematically.

More detailed background/reasoning in: dwyl/tidy

Here we are only documenting how we built it!

Our guiding wireframes for this mini project were:



We will refer back to these in the next few pages.

Create tidy App!

These are the steps we took when creating the tidy App. You can follow along at your own pace.

If you feel we have skipped a step or anything is unclear, please open an issue.

1. Create a New Phoenix App

Create a New Phoenix App:

mix tidy --no-mailer --no-dashboard --no-gettext

Note: The "flags" (e.g: --no-mailer) after the tidy app name are there to avoid adding bloat to our app. We don't need to send email, have a fancy dashboard or translation in this demo. All these advanced features are all covered in other chapters.

2. Setup Coverage

So that we know which files are covered by tests, we setup coverage following the steps outlined in: /dwyl/phoenix-chat-example#13-what-is-not-tested

Note: This is the first thing we add to all new Elixir/Phoenix projects because it lets us see what is not being tested. 🙈 It's just a good engineering discipline/habit to get done; a hygiene factor like brushing your teeth. 🪥

With that setup we can now run:

mix c

We see output similar to the following:

Finished in 0.07 seconds (0.03s async, 0.04s sync)
5 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 679880
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
  0.0% lib/fields_demo.ex                              9        0        0
 75.0% lib/tidy/application.ex                 36        4        1
  0.0% lib/tidy/repo.ex                         5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web.ex                        111        2        0
 15.9% lib/tidy_web/components/core_comp      661      151      127
  0.0% lib/tidy_web/components/layouts.e        5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/error_ht       19        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/error_js       15        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/page_con        9        1        0
  0.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/page_htm        5        0        0
  0.0% lib/tidy_web/endpoint.ex                47        0        0
 66.7% lib/tidy_web/router.ex                  27        3        1
 80.0% lib/tidy_web/telemetry.ex               92        5        1
100.0% test/support/conn_case.ex                      38        2        0
 28.6% test/support/data_case.ex                      58        7        5
[TOTAL]  23.7%

Not great. But most of the untested code is in: lib/tidy_web/components/core_components.ex which has 661 lines and we aren't going to use in this project ...

2.1 Ignore Unused "System" Files

Create a file with called coveralls.json and add the following contents:

  "coverage_options": {
    "minimum_coverage": 100
  "skip_files": [

Save the file. This sets 100% coverage as our minimum/baseline and ignores the files we aren't reaching with our tests.


mix c

And you should see the following output:

Finished in 0.05 seconds (0.01s async, 0.04s sync)
5 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 253715
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
100.0% lib/fields_demo.ex                              9        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy/repo.ex                         5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web.ex                        111        2        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/components/layouts.e        5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/error_ht       19        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/error_js       15        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/page_con        9        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/page_htm        5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/endpoint.ex                47        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/router.ex                  23        2        0
[TOTAL] 100.0%

Now we can move on!

3. Run the Phoenix App!

Before we start adding features, let's run the default Phoenix App. In your terminal, run:

mix setup
mix phx.server

Tip: we always create an alias for mix phx.server as mix s The alias will be used for the remainder of this chapter.

With the Phoenix server running, visit localhost:4000 in your web browser, you should see something similar to the following:


That completes 2 minutes of "setup". Let's add a schema to store the data!

Create Schemas

As outlined in tidy#1, our goal is to allow people wanting to help tidy the house, to create the records.

Object Schema

An object will have the following fields:

  • name - the name of the object you need help with
  • desc - brief description of the object including any salient features.
  • color - a string for main color of the object e.g. "green"
  • person_id - the id of the person who created the object record.
  • owner_id - id of the person who owns the object
  • location - a string describing where the object belongs.
  • status - a int representing the current status of the object record.

Note: we will need to map out the statuses required for this App and add them to our list.

Using the mix command, we can create the object schema and LiveView pages, run:

mix Objects Object objects name:binary desc:binary color:binary person_id:integer owner_id:integer location:binary status:integer

You should expect to see output similar to the following:

* creating lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/show.ex
* creating lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/index.ex
* creating lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/form_component.ex
* creating lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/index.html.heex
* creating lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/show.html.heex
* creating test/tidy_web/live/object_live_test.exs
* creating lib/tidy/objects/object.ex
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20231004034411_create_objects.exs
* creating lib/tidy/objects.ex
* injecting lib/tidy/objects.ex
* creating test/tidy/objects_test.exs
* injecting test/tidy/objects_test.exs
* creating test/support/fixtures/objects_fixtures.ex
* injecting test/support/fixtures/objects_fixtures.ex

Add the live routes to your browser scope in lib/tidy_web/router.ex:

    live "/objects", ObjectLive.Index, :index
    live "/objects/new", ObjectLive.Index, :new
    live "/objects/:id/edit", ObjectLive.Index, :edit

    live "/objects/:id", ObjectLive.Show, :show
    live "/objects/:id/show/edit", ObjectLive.Show, :edit

Remember to update your repository by running migrations:

    $ mix ecto.migrate

Those are a lot of new files. 😬 We will go through each file in the next page and update as needed. For now we need to follow the instructions and add the new routes to the router.ex.

With the new lines added e.g: router.ex

If we re-run the tests with coverage checking:

mix c

We see the following output:

Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.08s async, 0.1s sync)
19 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 121378
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
100.0% lib/tidy.ex                                     9        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy/objects.ex                           104        6        0
100.0% lib/tidy/objects/object.ex                     23        2        0
100.0% lib/tidy/repo.ex                                5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web.ex                               111        2        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/components/layouts.ex              5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/error_html.ex         19        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/error_json.ex         15        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/page_controller        9        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/page_html.ex           5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/endpoint.ex                       47        0        0
 94.1% lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/form_compo       96       34        2
100.0% lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/index.ex         47       10        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/show.ex          21        5        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/router.ex                         35        7        0
[TOTAL]  97.1%
FAILED: Expected minimum coverage of 100%, got 97.1%.

The lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/form_component.ex has a few lines that are not reached by the default tests: objects-coverage

Both of these functions are defp i.e. "private". So we cannot simply invoke them in a unit test to exercise the error handling.

We have several options for dealing with these untested lines:

  1. Ignore them - the easiest/fastest
  2. Convert them from defp to def and test (invoke) them directly
  3. Construct elaborate tests with bad data to trigger the errors ...

In our case we know that we won't be using these functions when we build our custom interface, so we're just going to ignore the untested lines, for now.

E.g: lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/form_component.ex Ref: tidy#1

Now re-running the tests with coverage mix c we get:

Finished in 0.2 seconds (0.05s async, 0.1s sync)
19 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 729041
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
100.0% lib/tidy.ex                                     9        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy/objects.ex                           104        6        0
100.0% lib/tidy/objects/object.ex                     23        2        0
100.0% lib/tidy/repo.ex                                5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web.ex                               111        2        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/components/layouts.ex              5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/error_html.ex         19        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/error_json.ex         15        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/page_controller        9        1        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/controllers/page_html.ex           5        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/endpoint.ex                       47        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/form_compo       98       32        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/index.ex         47       10        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/live/object_live/show.ex          21        5        0
100.0% lib/tidy_web/router.ex                         34        7        0
[TOTAL] 100.0%

With that out of the way, let's proceed to defining the images schema.


An object can have one or more images. These are used identify and categorize the object.

  • obj_id - the id of the object the image belongs to.
  • person_id - id of the person who uploaded the image.
  • url - the URL of the image that was uploaded to S3

In the case of images we don't want any "pages" to be created, we just want the schema, so we use the mix phx.gen.schema command:

mix phx.gen.schema Image images obj_id:integer person_id:integer url:binary

Output should be similar to:

* creating lib/tidy/image.ex
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20231004055222_create_images.exs

Remember to update your repository by running migrations:

    $ mix ecto.migrate

This is a far more manageable 2 files. But in this case the tests are not generated. So if we run mix c we get:

19 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 852972
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
100.0% lib/tidy.ex                                     9        0        0
  0.0% lib/tidy/image.ex                              19        2        2
100.0% lib/tidy/objects.ex                           104        6        0
... etc.

[TOTAL]  97.1%
FAILED: Expected minimum coverage of 100%, got 97.1%.

Where the lib/tidy/image.ex file has 0% coverage.

This is easy to fix.

Test images Schema

Create a file with the path: test/tidy/image_test.exs and add the following test to it:

defmodule TidyWeb.ImageTest do
  use Tidy.DataCase
  alias Tidy.Image

  describe "images" do
    @valid_image %{obj_id: 1, person_id: 1, url: ""}

    test "create_image/1 with valid data creates an image" do
      assert {:ok, %Image{} = image} = Image.create_image(@valid_image)
      assert image.url == @valid_image.url

With that test in place, we can now re-run mix c and see that we're back up to 100% coverage:

20 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 236415
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
100.0% lib/tidy.ex                                     9        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy/image.ex                              39        3        0
100.0% lib/tidy/objects.ex                           104        6        0

[TOTAL] 100.0%
# ----------------

Time for the comments schema!


An object can have one ore more comments associated with it. This allows people to discuss the object in a conversational style similar to what they are already used to from using Instant Messaging.

The data/fields we need to store for each comment are:

  • obj_id - the id of the object the comment belongs to.
  • person_id - id of the person commenter.
  • text - the string of their comment.

Again using the mix phx.gen.schema command:

mix phx.gen.schema Comment comments obj_id:integer person_id:integer text:binary

Output should be similar to:

* creating lib/tidy/comment.ex
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20231004142856_create_comments.exs

Remember to update your repository by running migrations:

    $ mix ecto.migrate

Same as with the images above, no tests are created, so if we run mix c we get:

20 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 986302
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
100.0% lib/tidy.ex                                     9        0        0
  0.0% lib/tidy/comment.ex                            19        2        2
100.0% lib/tidy/image.ex                              39        3        0
100.0% lib/tidy/objects.ex                           104        6        0
... etc.

[TOTAL]  97.2%
FAILED: Expected minimum coverage of 100%, got 97.2%.

Test comment Schema

Create a file with the path: test/tidy/comment_test.exs and add the following test to it:

defmodule TidyWeb.CommentTest do
  use Tidy.DataCase
  alias Tidy.Comment

  describe "comments" do
    @valid_attrs %{obj_id: 1, person_id: 1, text: "Candles on the kitchen counter"}

    test "create_comment/1 with valid data creates an comment" do
      assert {:ok, %Comment{} = com} = Comment.create_comment(@valid_attrs)
      assert com.text == @valid_attrs.text

With that test in place, we can now re-run mix c and see that we're back up to 100% coverage:

20 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 236415
COV    FILE                                        LINES RELEVANT   MISSED
100.0% lib/tidy.ex                                     9        0        0
100.0% lib/tidy/comment.ex                            40        3        0
100.0% lib/tidy/image.ex                              39        3        0
100.0% lib/tidy/objects.ex                           104        6        0

[TOTAL] 100.0%
# ----------------

With all the schemas & functions tested, we can now move on to the interface! 🪄