Reordering items in a list

The people who tested the MVP noted that the ability to organise their items as an essential feature: dwyl/mvp#145

With the addition of lists we now have a way of organising our items using the list.seq or sequence.

This chapter will take you through how we implented reordering in the MVP from first principals.

Note: There is quite a lot to cover in this chapter, so we have created two standalone tutorials: drag-and-drop and cursor-tracking which detail the mechanics of dragging and dropping items and cursor tracking across browsers/devices. If you are totally new to drag-and-drop, we suggest following at least that one for full context.

At the end of this chapter you will be able to reorder the items in a list with cursor tracking and item highlighting:


Get/Set list.cid in mount/3

In order for us to know which list the person is viewing - and thus reordering - we need to add it to the socket.assigns in the mount/3 function. Open the lib/app_web/live/app_live.ex file and locate the mount/3 function.

Add the following lines to the body:

# Create or Get the "all" list for the person_id
all_list = App.List.get_all_list_for_person(person_id)
# Temporary function to add All *existing* items to the "All" list:

This is invoking two functions we previously created in lists.

Then in the returned tuple:

       items: items,

Make sure to add the line:

       list_cid: all_list.cid,

That will ensure that we know the list.cid later when the person reorders their items.

Moving items in the interface

There is quite a lot of code required to move items in the interface, we need to update 4 files.

Update the <li>

In the lib/app_web/live/app_live.html.heex file, locate the <ul> (unordered list) defintion:

  <!-- List of items with inline buttons and controls -->
  <ul class="w-full">
    <%= for item <- filter_items(@items, @filter, @filter_tag) do %>
        class="mt-2 flex w-full border-t border-slate-200 py-2"

Replace it with the following:

  <!-- List of items with inline buttons and controls -->
  <ul id="items" phx-hook="Items" x-data="{selectedItem: null}" class="w-full">
    <%= for item <- filter_items(@items, @filter, @filter_tag) do %>
        class={"mt-2 flex flex-col w-full border-t border-slate-200 py-2 item 
            #{if == @editing do 'cursor-default' else 'cursor-grab' end}"}
        draggable={"#{if == @editing do 'false' else 'true' end}"}
        x-data="{selected: false}"
        x-on:dragstart="selected = true; $dispatch('highlight', {id: $}); selectedItem = $el"
        x-on:dragend="selected = false; $dispatch('remove-highlight', {id: $}); selectedItem = null; $dispatch('update-indexes', {fromItemId: $})"
        x-bind:class="selected ?? 'cursor-grabbing'"
        x-on:dragover.throttle="$dispatch('dragoverItem', {selectedItemId:, currentItem: $el})"

There's a lot going on in this definition. But it's all related to 5 key areas:

  1. Select an item to be moved/reordered
  2. Add a highlight when an item is selected
  3. _Display) the appropriate cursor-grabbing class when the item is selected.
  4. Dispatch the dragoverItem event so that other connected clients can see the item being moved
  5. Remove the highlight when the item is no longer selected.

Note: if you feel this section could benefit from further explanation, please first read: drag-and-drop and cursor-tracking And if anything is still unclear, please open an issue: dwyl/book/issues

Add JS event handling code:

In the assets/js/app.js file, add the following code:

// Drag and drop highlight handlers
window.addEventListener("phx:highlight", (e) => {
  document.querySelectorAll("[data-highlight]").forEach(el => {
    if( == {
        liveSocket.execJS(el, el.getAttribute("data-highlight"))

// Item id of the destination in the DOM
let itemId_to;

let Hooks = {}
Hooks.Items = {
  mounted() {
    const hook = this

    this.el.addEventListener("highlight", e => {
      hook.pushEventTo("#items", "highlight", {id:})
      // console.log('highlight',

    this.el.addEventListener("remove-highlight", e => {
      hook.pushEventTo("#items", "removeHighlight", {id:})
      // console.log('remove-highlight',

    this.el.addEventListener("dragoverItem", e => {
      // console.log("dragoverItem", e.detail)
      const currentItemId =
      const selectedItemId = e.detail.selectedItemId
      if( currentItemId != selectedItemId) {
        hook.pushEventTo("#items", "dragoverItem", {currentItemId: currentItemId, selectedItemId: selectedItemId})
        itemId_to =

    this.el.addEventListener("update-indexes", e => {
      const item_id = e.detail.fromItemId 
      const list_ids = get_list_item_cids()
      console.log("update-indexes", e.detail, "list: ", list_ids)
      // Check if both "from" and "to" are defined
      if(item_id && itemId_to && item_id != itemId_to) {
        hook.pushEventTo("#items", "update_list_seq", 
          {seq: list_ids})
      itemId_to = null;

 * `get_list_item_ids/0` retrieves the full `list` of visible `items` form the DOM
 * and returns a String containing the IDs as a space-separated list e.g: "1 2 3 42 71 93"
 * This is used to determine the `position` of the `item` that has been moved.
function get_list_item_cids() {
  console.log("invoke get_list_item_ids")
  const lis = document.querySelectorAll("label[phx-value-cid]");
  return Object.values(lis).map(li => {
    return li.attributes["phx-value-cid"].nodeValue

window.addEventListener("phx:remove-highlight", (e) => {
  document.querySelectorAll("[data-highlight]").forEach(el => {
    if( == {
        liveSocket.execJS(el, el.getAttribute("data-remove-highlight"))

window.addEventListener("phx:dragover-item", (e) => {
  console.log("phx:dragover-item", e.detail)
  const selectedItem = document.querySelector(`#${e.detail.selected_item_id}`)
  const currentItem = document.querySelector(`#${e.detail.current_item_id}`)

  const items = document.querySelector('#items')
  const listItems = [...document.querySelectorAll('.item')]

  if(listItems.indexOf(selectedItem) < listItems.indexOf(currentItem)){
    items.insertBefore(selectedItem, currentItem.nextSibling)

  if(listItems.indexOf(selectedItem) > listItems.indexOf(currentItem)){
    items.insertBefore(selectedItem, currentItem)

Again, there's a fair amount of code there so take a moment to step through it and understand what each event listener does.

Handle event in LiveView

Back in the LiveView file, lib/app_web/live/app_live.ex add the following event handlers:

 @impl true
  def handle_event("highlight", %{"id" => id}, socket) do
    # IO.puts("highlight: #{id}")
    AppWeb.Endpoint.broadcast(@topic, "move_items", {:drag_item, id})
    {:noreply, socket}

  @impl true
  def handle_event("removeHighlight", %{"id" => id}, socket) do
    # IO.puts("removeHighlight: #{id}")
    AppWeb.Endpoint.broadcast(@topic, "move_items", {:drop_item, id})
    {:noreply, socket}

  @impl true
  def handle_event(
          "currentItemId" => current_item_id,
          "selectedItemId" => selected_item_id
      ) do
    # IO.puts("285: current_item_id: #{current_item_id}, selected_item_id: #{selected_item_id} | #{Useful.typeof(selected_item_id)}")
      {:dragover_item, {current_item_id, selected_item_id}}

    {:noreply, socket}

  @impl true
  def handle_info(
          event: "move_items",
          payload: {:dragover_item, {current_item_id, selected_item_id}}
      ) do
    # IO.puts(
    #   "cur_item_id: #{current_item_id}, selected_item_id: #{selected_item_id}"
    # )

     push_event(socket, "dragover-item", %{
       current_item_id: current_item_id,
       selected_item_id: selected_item_id

  @impl true
  def handle_info(
        %Broadcast{event: "move_items", payload: {:drag_item, item_id}},
      ) do
    {:noreply, push_event(socket, "highlight", %{id: item_id})}

  @impl true
  def handle_info(
        %Broadcast{event: "move_items", payload: {:drop_item, item_id}},
      ) do
    {:noreply, push_event(socket, "remove-highlight", %{id: item_id})}

  @impl true
  def handle_event(
        %{"seq" => seq},
      ) do
    list_cid = get_list_cid(socket.assigns)
    person_id = get_person_id(socket.assigns)
    App.List.update_list_seq(list_cid, person_id, seq)
    {:noreply, socket}

Handle the update_list_seq event

All the highlight, remove-highlight and move_items handlers are for presentation and synching between clients. The handler that performs the actual list updating is:

  @impl true
  def handle_event(
        %{"seq" => seq},
      ) do
    list_cid = get_list_cid(socket.assigns)
    person_id = get_person_id(socket.assigns)
    App.List.update_list_seq(list_cid, person_id, seq)
    {:noreply, socket}

This receives the seq (sequence of item.cid) from the client and and updates the list.seq using the previously defined update_list_seq/3 function.

With this code in place we now have everything we need for reordering items on a single list. Try it!

Add a Test!

To ensure this feature is tested, open the test/app_web/live/app_live_test.exs file and add the following test:

  test "Drag and Drop item", %{conn: conn} do
    person_id = 0
    # Creating Three items
    {:ok, %{model: item}} =
      Item.create_item(%{text: "Learn Elixir", person_id: person_id, status: 2})

    {:ok, %{model: item2}} =
      Item.create_item(%{ text: "Build Awesome App", person_id: person_id, status: 2})

    {:ok, %{model: item3}} =
      Item.create_item(%{ text: "Profit", person_id: person_id, status: 2})

    # Create "all" list for this person_id:
    list = App.List.get_all_list_for_person(person_id)

    # Add all items to "all" list:

    # Render LiveView
    {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, "/")

    # Highlight broadcast should have occurred
    assert render_hook(view, "highlight", %{"id" =>})
      |> String.split("bg-teal-300")
      |> Enum.drop(1)
      |> length() > 0

    # Dragover and remove highlight
    render_hook(view, "dragoverItem", %{
      "currentItemId" =>,
      "selectedItemId" =>

    assert render_hook(view, "removeHighlight", %{"id" =>})

    # reorder items:
    render_hook(view, "updateIndexes", %{
      "seq" => "#{item.cid},#{item2.cid},#{item3.cid}"

    all_list = App.List.get_all_list_for_person(person_id)
    seq = App.List.get_list_seq(all_list)
    pos1 = Enum.find_index(seq, fn x -> x == "#{item.cid}" end)
    pos2 = Enum.find_index(seq, fn x -> x == "#{item2.cid}" end)
    # IO.puts("#{pos1}: #{item.cid}")
    # IO.puts("#{pos2}: #{item2.cid}")

    assert pos1 < pos2

    # Update list_item.seq:
    {:ok, %{model: list}} = App.List.update_list_seq(list.cid, person_id, 
    new_seq = list.seq |> String.split(",")
    # dbg(new_seq)
    pos2 = Enum.find_index(new_seq, fn x -> x == "#{item2.cid}" end)
    pos3 = Enum.find_index(new_seq, fn x -> x == "#{item3.cid}" end)
    assert pos3 < pos2

Again, there's a lot going on in this test because it's testing for both the highlight and the update of the seq (sequence of item.cid) in the list. Take a momemnt to step through it and if you have any questions, ask!

A good place to read all the code for this in one place is: