Fields Guide

This chapter is a complete beginner's guide to building a fully-functional Web Application
in Phoenix using fields to appropriately store personal data.


Building secure web applications that respect people's privacy by considerately storing personal data is an essential skill.

Most beginner's guides gloss over the steps we are about to take together. If you care about your own privacy - and you should! - follow along and see how easy it is to do the right thing.

Why Build This Demo App First?

Simple: to showcase how straightforward it is to transparently validate, encrypt and decrypt sensitive personal data in an ultra-basic but fully-functional web app.

We will then use these techniques to build something more advanced.


The fields-demo App showcases a registration form for a (fictitious) conference called "Awesome Conf".


It covers all the steps necessary to build the form using the fields package to securely store personal data.


This guide is for anyone wanting a rigorous approach to building an App that collects/stores personal data.


Let's get started by setting up the Phoenix project!