Generate Auth Files

In auth v1 the mix phx.gen.auth generator didn't exist so we had to hand-write all the code. For auth v2
we are using the phx.gen.auth "generator" to provide some of the scaffolding and session management. see:

In your terminal, run th following command:

mix phx.gen.auth Accounts Person people

The generator prompts with the following question:

An authentication system can be created in two different ways:
- Using Phoenix.LiveView (default)
- Using Phoenix.Controller only
Do you want to create a LiveView based authentication system? [Yn]

We answered N (No) because we will be adding more advanced auth

* creating priv/repo/migrations/20230226095715_create_people_auth_tables.exs
* creating lib/auth/accounts/person_notifier.ex
* creating lib/auth/accounts/person.ex
* creating lib/auth/accounts/person_token.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/person_auth.ex
* creating test/auth_web/person_auth_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller.ex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_html/new.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_html/edit.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_controller.ex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_confirmation_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_html/new.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller.ex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_controller.ex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_html/edit.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_reset_password_html/new.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_session_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_session_html/new.html.heex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_settings_html.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_settings_controller.ex
* creating lib/auth_web/controllers/person_settings_html/edit.html.heex
* creating test/auth_web/controllers/person_settings_controller_test.exs
* creating lib/auth/accounts.ex
* injecting lib/auth/accounts.ex
* creating test/auth/accounts_test.exs
* injecting test/auth/accounts_test.exs
* creating test/support/fixtures/accounts_fixtures.ex
* injecting test/support/fixtures/accounts_fixtures.ex
* injecting test/support/conn_case.ex
* injecting config/test.exs
* injecting mix.exs
* injecting lib/auth_web/router.ex
* injecting lib/auth_web/router.ex - imports
* injecting lib/auth_web/router.ex - plug
* injecting lib/auth_web/components/layouts/root.html.heex

Please re-fetch your dependencies with the following command:

    $ mix deps.get

Remember to update your repository by running migrations:

    $ mix ecto.migrate

Once you are ready, visit "/people/register"
to create your account and then access "/dev/mailbox" to
see the account confirmation email.

That's a lot of code. See the git commit: 90086a8. We will use the session management in our auth system and delete some of the unused code along the way.

Migrate the Schema

When you run:

mix ecto.migrate

You will see the following output:

Generated auth app

15:04:11.168 [info] == Running 20230226095715 Auth.Repo.Migrations.CreatePeopleAuthTables.change/0 forward

15:04:11.173 [info] execute "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext"

15:04:11.285 [info] create table people

15:04:11.296 [info] create index people_email_index

15:04:11.297 [info] create table people_tokens

15:04:11.302 [info] create index people_tokens_person_id_index

15:04:11.307 [info] create index people_tokens_context_token_index

15:04:11.310 [info] == Migrated 20230226095715 in 0.1s


Let's take a quick look at the created database tables.

If you open the auth_dev database in your Postgres GUI, e.g: DBEaver
and view the ERD there are only two tables:


Data in people and people_tokens tables

By default, mix phx.gen.auth does not setup any protection for personal data in the database. Email addresses are stored in-the-clear: 🙄


Similarly the people_tokens table stores email addresses as plaintext in the sent_to column:


This is obviously undesirable. 🙃 This is a privacy/security issue waiting to become a scandal! We will address this swiftly in the following pages.

But first, tests!

Run The Tests

Sadly, the phx.gen.auth there to be a bunch of routes hard-coded with the "/user" prefix in the tests e.g: test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs#L15

The generator doesn't respect the fact that we call them people when we invoked the command above. so if you run the tests:

mix test

You will see several warnings:

.warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/log_out"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs:40: AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest."test POST /people/register creates account and logs the person in"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/log_out"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs:40: AuthWeb.PersonSessionControllerTest."test POST /people/log_in logs the person in"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/settings"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs:39: AuthWeb.PersonSessionControllerTest."test POST /people/log_in logs the person in"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/settings"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs:39: AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest."test POST /people/register creates account and logs the person in"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/register"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_session_controller_test.exs:15: AuthWeb.PersonSessionControllerTest."test GET /people/log_in renders log in page"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/register"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs:12: AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest."test GET /people/register renders registration page"/1

warning: no route path for AuthWeb.Router matches "/users/log_in"
  test/auth_web/controllers/person_registration_controller_test.exs:11: AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest."test GET /people/register renders registration page"/1

And ultimately the tests fail:

Finished in 0.6 seconds (0.4s async, 0.2s sync)
115 tests, 5 failures

This should be a easy to fix.

Perform a find-and-replace for "/users/" to "/people/"


Attempt to re-run the tests:

mix test

Sadly, 4 tests still fail:

  1) test POST /people/register creates account and logs the person in (AuthWeb.PersonRegistrationControllerTest)
     Assertion with =~ failed
     code:  assert response =~ email
     left:  "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\" style=\"scrollbar-gutter: stable;\">\n  <head>\n etc.


Finished in 0.5 seconds (0.4s async, 0.1s sync)
115 tests, 4 failures

We're going to have to investigate/update these tests manually.